欲平息社會動亂 斯里蘭卡代理總統宣布進入緊急狀態

根據17日晚間發布的政府公告,斯里蘭卡代理總統威克瑞米辛赫(Ranil Wickremesinghe)宣布國家進入緊急狀態。政府正尋求平息社會動亂,並解決國家的經濟危機。然而,示威群眾希望威克瑞米辛赫與流亡總統一同下台,此舉恐將掀起進一步動盪。

COLOMBO, SRI LANKA - JULY 14. An armed Sri Lanka Police Special Task Force personnel stands guard at the gate of the colonial building that is the Prime Ministerâs office at Flower Road in Colombo, Sri Lanka, 14 July 2022., Sri Lanka, 14 July 2022. Protestors forcibly entered the Prime Ministerâs office yesterday, similar to what they did earlier to the Presidentâs House and the Prime Ministerâs official residence Temple Trees. This was followed by hundreds of inquisitive people entering and vandalizing the places. With President Gotabaya Rajapaksa leaving the island Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe took over as Acting President and declared a state of emergency and imposed a curfew yesterday (13 July), which was lifted at 5.00 this morning and again re-imposed at 12 noon today. Following requests from several quarters the protestors agree to hand over the premises to the authorities. (Photo by M.A.Pushpa Kumara/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images)
根據17日晚間發布的政府公告,斯里蘭卡代理總統威克瑞米辛赫(Ranil Wickremesinghe)宣布國家進入緊急狀態。(資料照/Getty Images)


斯國總統拉賈帕克薩(Gotabaya Rajapaksa)已逃往海外,以躲避反政府民眾的起義。他曾說自己已採取「一切可能的措施」,來避免席捲這個島國的經濟危機。





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