推特瘋傳 武漢肺炎(CORONAVIRUS) 跟啤酒有啥關係

<p>可樂娜vs海尼根照片在推特瘋傳|The image of Corona versus Heineken went viral (Twitter)</p>

可樂娜vs海尼根照片在推特瘋傳|The image of Corona versus Heineken went viral (Twitter)

【看英文中國郵報學英文】武漢肺炎疫情全球延燒,然而,歐美地區仍然有少數人不清楚疫情。隨著武漢肺炎英文「coronavirus」與可樂娜啤酒(Corona)相似,許多人搞不清楚上網搜尋,因此讓全球Google搜尋關鍵字「可樂那啤酒病毒」自1月中(beer coronavirus) 暴增3200%。

The number of confirmed cases has continued to increase in Asia, but some people are still unfamiliar with the details of the virus outbreak. Some even have mistaken the word “coronavirus” with corona beer, leading to a 3,200% surge of the google search keyword “beer coronavirus.”


Because of the similarity of the two words, some internet users said on Twitter, “I can’t get the coronavirus, I don’t drink alcohol.” Images related to the confusion also went viral on Twitter.

推特網友寫道:「我不會得到病毒,因為我不喝可樂娜。」|A Internet user wrote on Twitter. (Courtesy of Twitter/@max_lassel)
推特網友寫道:「我不會得到病毒,因為我不喝可樂娜。」|A Internet user wrote on Twitter. (Courtesy of Twitter/@max_lassel)
推特網友相關貼文瘋傳|A Internet user wrote on Twitter. (Courtesy of Twitter/@DanielbeastFk)
推特網友相關貼文瘋傳|A Internet user wrote on Twitter. (Courtesy of Twitter/@DanielbeastFk)


“Corona” comes from the Latin word “crown.” The virus is named accordingly due to its crown-like spikes.

對此,可樂娜的美國母公司Constellation Brands也有所回應。根據Business Insider報導,公司表示,他們相信大多數的消費者知道武漢肺炎病毒和我們並沒有關係。

In response to growing confusion regarding the virus name, the beer manufacturer said most of their customers understand the difference between the virus and the beverage and know that there’s no relation whatsoever between the two.

【 NOWnews 今日新聞 】提醒您 酒後不開車,飲酒過量有礙健康!

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