每日限定300人參觀! 「全球最美日出」就在北部這裡!

<p>基隆和平島|Heping Island Park (Shutterstock)</p>

基隆和平島|Heping Island Park (Shutterstock)


Once referred to by foreign media as one of the “21 most beautiful sunrise viewing destinations in the world,” the Alabao Bay in the Keelung Heping Island Park will officially open to the public on May 1, the Keelung government recently announced.


Since April 1, visitors can sign up online for a tour of the area, even though the tours are limited to 300 people per day for the time being.

The tour kickstarts at the visitors center and goes all the way to the Starlight Fields and Wanshan Temple, ending at Alabao Bay.

The journey tour takes between 1 to 1.5 hours to complete.

全區深度導覽4月1日即開放網路預訂,每日限定參觀名額300人。| Starting April 1, visitors can sign up online for a tour of the area, though the tours are limited to 300 people per day.(Courtesy of Facebook/Heping Island park)
全區深度導覽4月1日即開放網路預訂,每日限定參觀名額300人。| Starting April 1, visitors can sign up online for a tour of the area, though the tours are limited to 300 people per day.(Courtesy of Facebook/Heping Island park)


The opening of the Alabao Bay includes an additional observation platform that lets you get a view of the rocks and open sea, all in one glance.

守護岩專屬觀景窗|Alabao Bay (Courtesy of Facebook/Heping Island park)
守護岩專屬觀景窗|Alabao Bay (Courtesy of Facebook/Heping Island park)


If who wish to sign up for the tour, you have to register a week prior to departure on the Heping Island Park official website.

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