【泰國必食】香蕉煎餅 Banana crispy pancake (roti)
製作時間: 30分鐘內
份量人數: 1-2人
急凍原味印度煎餅 Frozen plain roti 2塊/pcs
香蕉 Banana 1隻/pc
雞蛋 Egg 2隻/pcs
牛油 Butter 適量/Some
煉奶 Condensed milk 適量/Some
朱古力醬 Chocolate syrup 適量/Some
1 :
香蕉切片,雞蛋拂勻,拌勻 Slice banana. Whisk egg. Mix well.
2 :
印度薄餅解凍,塗上少許油,用麵粉檊壓薄 Defrost roti, rub a little oil on it then thin with a rolling pin.
3 :
中細火下牛油,放入印度薄餅 Melt butter over low heat. Add the roti.
4 :
將蕉片及蛋液淋在薄餅的中央 Add banana and egg liquid in the middle of the roti.
5 :
四邊反向中間,慢火煎3-4分鐘至薄餅香脆 Flip the four sides towards the center. Pan fry over low heat for 3-4 minutes until the roti is crispy.
6 :
將薄餅連反轉再煎3-4分鐘 Pan fry the other side for 3-4 minutes more.
7 :
上碟,切件,淋上煉奶及朱古力醬即成 Dish up and cut into pieces. Drizzle with condensed milk and chocolate syrup to serve.
- 食譜來源 : https://cook1cook.com/recipe/54014
- 發掘更多美食 : https://cook1cook.com