
<p>▲墨西哥女遊客遭熊「搭訕」。(圖/翻攝自 TikTok「PonchoDeNigris」)</p>

▲墨西哥女遊客遭熊「搭訕」。(圖/翻攝自 TikTok「PonchoDeNigris」)

【看CP學英文】近日有 3 名墨西哥女遊客在登山時,意外遭遇黑熊的「襲擊」,在旁的友人嚇到動都不敢動只見其中一位女生鎮定的拿著手機自拍起來,事件曝光後,引起許多網友熱議,而今天與黑熊自拍的照片也出爐了!

A Mexican tourist taking a selfie with a black bear made the rounds on the Internet on Monday, following the release of a video earlier that day showing the bear curiously approaching three Mexican tourists who were hiking in the mountains.

The tourist’s selfie photo with the bear was recently posted on Reddit. (Screengrab from Reddit)
The tourist’s selfie photo with the bear was recently posted on Reddit. (Screengrab from Reddit)

根據外媒報導,義大利裔墨西哥主持人、演員內格里斯( Alfonso de Nigris )日前在中國社群軟體「抖音」國際版上傳一部影片,從影片中可以看到,他在登山時,撞見 3 名女遊客被黑熊纏身,開始靠近女遊客聞一聞氣味,隨後更看到這隻黑熊選中身穿藍色背心的女遊客,竟發情似的站起來狂聞她的頭部、肩膀。

According to foreign media, Italian-Mexican TV host and actor, Alfonso de Nigris recently posted on TikTok a video he took when hiking in the mountains.

In the video, three women can be seen with a black bear curiously sniffing and approaching them. Afterward, the bear seemed to be especially interested in the tourist in a blue tank top, even standing up to smell her head and shoulders.


The bear soon lost interest and left. Nigris pointed out that initially, one of the tourists tried to run but later resisted the urge and stood her ground after being advised by the TV host.


Yesterday, the selfie began circulating on Reddit, and though the image is a bit blurry, you can clearly see the black bear standing close behind the woman.

The funny photo received many comments from netizens, with some claiming, “perhaps the woman’s hair smelled too good” and others saying “bears are basically just giant raccoons” with their endless curiosity.

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