

The long-spout teapot originated in the crowded teahouses of Sichuan, southwest China.

As you walk through Sichuan’s streets, you will see many teahouses with tea masters pouring hot water into a cup with a long-spout teapot — a unique tea culture of this place.


The spout of the long-spout teapot is as long as 1.5 meters.

With a teapot in his hand, the tea master turns around and pours into the teacup in the blink of an eye.


Tea master Zeng Xiaolong said that the temperature drops when it’s poured into the cup.

The boiling water cools to 80 Celcius degrees, Zeng said, adding that this is how Sichuan sea is best served.


Zeng Xiaolong has taken tea art to another level by combining martial arts and kung fu, allowing customers to enjoy tea and wonderful performances.


He said: “The purpose of the long spout tea was to pour from a distance. This was the only trick. We actually started using elaborate moves ourselves.”


He revealed that each tea apprentice has to be trained for an average of one to two months before serving customers.

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