特派攝影日誌 前進烏克蘭


Reporters Without Borders is an international NGO that was founded in France in 1985.


Its main function is to protect freedom of the press around the world. It also works to protect individual journalists particularly those at risk.


Amongst the many initiatives and activities that, Reporters Without Borders organize it provides important equipment to journalists working in war areas.


In Ukraine RWB provides journalists with flak jackets, (Body Armors), protective helmets and a medical kit.


The equipment is loan on trust and it is free of charge to all those journalists that work in war zones.


RWB staff also teach journalists how to fit and use the equipment in a safe and efficient way.

更多 大愛新聞 報導:
志工早會:少欲知足 止惡向善
世界環境日 北極熊的未來誰來護