
<p>2004年8月-海地及多明尼加義診 | TRMPC doing volunteer work at Haiti and the Dominican Republic in 2004. (Photo courtesy of TRMPC)</p>

2004年8月-海地及多明尼加義診 | TRMPC doing volunteer work at Haiti and the Dominican Republic in 2004. (Photo courtesy of TRMPC)

【看CP學英文】新型冠狀肺炎疫情持續延燒,台灣路竹醫療和平會(Taiwan Root Medical Peace Corps),簡稱路竹會依舊盡其所能地提供弱勢族群醫療協助,預計於8月15日前往嘉義縣阿里山進行兩天的原住民部落醫療服務義診。路竹會是一個非宗教、非政府、非營利性組織,自1995年創會起,義診足跡遍及台灣山區和世界各地需要幫助的開發中國家。2003年它成為第一個以台灣名義加入聯合國所屬CONGO的國內非政府組織。

Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, the Taiwan Root Medical Peace Corps (TRMPC) is still doing all that they can within Taiwan to help people in need. The NGO is scheduled to head out to Mount Ali in Chiayi County to provide temporary medical care for indigenous groups on Aug. 15, in one of their first trips since the pandemic started.

Since 1995, TRMPC, a private, non-government and non-profit organization, has brought short-term medical clinics to Taiwan mountainous regions and underdeveloped countries around the world. In 2003, it joined “the Conference of Non-governmental Organizations in Consultative Relationship with the United Nations CONGO” as the only Taiwanese NGO.


Funded by Dr. Liu Chi-chun, the TRMPC has done 390 medical missions in 49 countries globally with the help of over 17,000 volunteers. Each volunteer pays for their own transportation and necessities, while Dr. Liu covers everything else. Although the organization did receive NGO funds for a few years, the required payments were mostly paid by Dr. Liu, his team, and considerate donors.

1999馬其頓難民營義診 | Dr. Liu visits a refuge camp in Macedonia in 1999. (Photo courtesy of TRMPC)
1999馬其頓難民營義診 | Dr. Liu visits a refuge camp in Macedonia in 1999. (Photo courtesy of TRMPC)

「安全」和「保障」是路竹會決定是否進行任務的關鍵。 劉醫師總是事先前往親訪醫療團即將義診的所在地,以確保醫療團的安全與保障。此外,他堅決認為自己和參與路竹會醫療服務人員對於義診工作不能自以為是或自認為崇高的態度進行義診,因為「每個人都想幫助有需要的人。 如果您有志願服務的機會,您應該感謝您的專業知識可以挽救生命。」

“Safety” and “security” are crucial to Dr. Liu. He always pre-visits the locations to review the safety level for his team and he strongly regards his work as something not to feel self-righteous about.

“Everyone wants to help those in need. If you have the chance to volunteer, you should be grateful that your expertise helped save lives.”

劉醫師説道,「25年前,我在報紙上看到了新竹縣尖石鄉需要緊急幫助的報導,我就去義診了。 這就是台灣路竹會的開始方式。 就是這麼簡單。」

“Twenty-five years ago,” Dr. Liu sai: “I came across the newspaper that stated urgent help was needed in Jianshi Township, Hsinchu County and so, I went. That’s how Taiwan Root began. It was as simple as that.”

早在路竹會成立之初,著重於台灣深山部落,當時偏鄉地區的交通不便,當地居民也相較都市的人民貧困、生活水平較低。 有一次,醫療義診團的一對醫生夫婦前往新竹,自願乘坐兩輛義診的汽車。 他們這樣做是因為認為自己倘若在險峻的途中遇難,至少有一個可以幫助患者。

From the outset, the TRMPC focused on the indigenous populations in Taiwan’s mountain regions. Horrendous traffic conditions, poverty and an overall lower standard of living made them vulnerable to chronic health problems.

On one medical mission, a volunteering couple heading to Hsinchu had to take two separate vehicles so that, in case one car gets into trouble, the other could still go and help patients.

路竹會國際醫療任務通常是為貧困國家或自然災害嚴重打擊且醫療資源不足的地區提供服務。 2002年,劉醫師將45名義診志工者帶到了秘魯的亞馬遜。 在所有案件中,劉醫師對一個極度想救活孩子的母親印象最為深刻。

International missions are often for places where poverty or natural disasters hit hard, meaning local populations do not have sufficient medical supplies.

In 2002, Dr. Liu brought 45 volunteers to the Amazon River Basin. Among the many patients, Dr. Liu specifically recalled a frantic mother who brought her ill son to the TRMPC clinic.

當時,當地的醫生告訴她他們無法提供任何幫助挽救他的生命,並告訴她應將兒子帶回家等待不可避免的死亡。 這位母親大為震驚,聽說了劉醫師的臨時義診診所,立刻前往並乞求治療以挽救她的兒子。 TRMPC醫療團對男孩進行了檢查,發現他脖子上嵌入了引發感染的枯樹枝,導致嚴重發炎。他們立即拔出枯枝和予以藥物治療,這名男孩第二天回診檢查時已遠離了危險,逐漸恢復健康。

The local doctors had told her that they couldn’t save her son and should bring him back home to wait for the inevitable. Devastated, the mother heard about Dr. Liu’s temporary clinic and begged for them to save her son.

The TRMPC team examined the boy and found an infection from a splinter in his neck that caused inflammation. After removing the piece of wood, the volunteers gave the boy antibiotics, ultimately leading to his full recovery.

Dr. Liu treats a patient in the Philippines in 2009. (Photo courtesy of TRMPC)
Dr. Liu treats a patient in the Philippines in 2009. (Photo courtesy of TRMPC)


This year, the COVID-19 pandemic has affected TRMPC’s work, with all trips abroad halted. Even though Dr. Liu and his team want to help foreign countries in need of medical care, he is adamant to be loyal to his responsibilities: if he can’t guarantee the safety of his team at any given location, he will not bring any volunteers.

路竹會的義診志工們來自各個年齡段和背景。 只要您健康,就可以每年通過台灣路竹會網站目錄註冊所有18個項目(12次國內原住民部落義診,6次出國義診),時間地點于每年4月1日官網公告。會長劉醫師公開鼓勵年輕一代申請。 他建議,參與者必須與同伴合作,並在他人有需要時提供支援幫助。

Volunteers come from all ages and backgrounds. As long as you are healthy, you are qualified to register via Taiwan Root’s website for all 18 projects (12 domestic and 6 international) on April 1 at noon annually.

Dr. Liu openly encourages the young generation to apply. He advises that one must be collaborative with their peers and offer help when someone’s in need.


Like the TRMPC motto, it is “Time for Taiwan to feedback its Love to the World”.

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