獨/誠品書店之「最」 誠品爆神秘半夜客

<p>Eslite Dunnan store(CNA)</p>

Eslite Dunnan store(CNA)

【看CP學英文】敦南誠品書店至今已維持180,000小時不熄燈,蘊藏的書量也相當驚人。在它即將關門的前夕,The China Post 與大家分享誠品許多有趣的「最」和數字。通路事業群資深協理張曉玲指出此店一年總書籍有近百萬冊流通量,其中有二十萬冊是專門應用書,平均一本書在架上通常也只會停留90到100天。最貴的書則是西藏的書,一本約99萬元,而最便宜的為49元的禮物書。一年造訪敦南誠品書店的人數為40到45萬人,而書賣的最好的時段晚上6點到10點左右。

The Eslite Dunnan Bookstore has kept a running streak of keeping its light on for 180,000 hours straight and the number of books sold is even more impressive.

As closing day approaches, The China Post sat down with Senior Director of the Channel Business Group, Lynn Chang, to share some numerical fun facts of the Dunnan Eslite legacy.

Q: How many books does the Dunnan Eslite have each year?

A: Around 1 million books pass through Dunnan Eslite every year, and about 20,000 of the 1 million are instructional books.

Q: On average, how long does a book stay on the shelf?

A: It usually stays on for 90 to 100 days before it is replaced.

Q: What is the most expensive book ever sold at Dunnan Eslite?

A: It was a series of books about Tibet’s cultures priced at around NT$990,000 per book.

Q: And, the most inexpensive?

A: It would be a NT$99 ‘gift book’.

Q: On average, how many people pass through the store each year?

A: About 40,000 to 45,000.

Q: When do you sell the most books at Dunnan Eslite?

A: That would be between 6 p.m. and 10 p.m.


When asked if customers really do come at midnight, Chang replied that midnight hours at Dunnan Eslite usually see students or customers that don’t wish to be disturbed.

Many writers, chefs and celebrities also take advantage of the late hours to look for inspiration and browse through the bookstore.

After all, no one would think of disturbing others in this sacred “Spirital Space.”


Dunnan Eslite’s unusual operating hours have also become a novelty for foreigners passing through Taiwan.

Chang said that many who have layover flights may opt to hole up at the bookstore for the night to pass the time.

In this way, they not only end up saving money for accommodations but can also get some reading done, killing two birds with one stone, Chang added.

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