
This photo taken on September 23, 2022 shows a member of staff (C) watching for visitors outside the GiGO Akihabara Building number 4, previously known as the Sega Akihabara Building number 4, which was filled with floors of arcade and video games, in the popular electronics shopping area of Akihabara in Tokyo. - With the arcade industry struggling with fewer visitors due to Covid-19 and a trend to online gaming, the arcade - located directly opposite the train station - closed its doors on September 25 after the lease expired. (Photo by Richard A. Brooks / AFP) (Photo by RICHARD A. BROOKS/AFP via Getty Images)
SEGA 將場館交手給 GIGO 集團(Photo by RICHARD A. BROOKS/AFP via Getty Images)

只要是玩家,每次去到日本都會想要朝聖一下秋葉原、日本橋區域看看周邊跟遊戲中心,也就是許多心中的遊戲日本,但根據日本帝國數據銀行的財務報告顯示,這 10 年來的街機遊戲中心大幅減少近 8000 家,從疫情前就已經開始有相當大幅度的下降,更受到疫情、稅金與電費的三重衝擊。

This photo taken on September 25, 2022 shows a man playing a video game at the GiGO Akihabara Building number 4, previously known as the Sega Akihabara Building number 4, which was filled with floors of arcade and video games, in the popular electronics shopping area of Akihabara in Tokyo. - With the arcade industry struggling with fewer visitors due to Covid-19 and a trend to online gaming, the arcade - located directly opposite the train station - closed its doors on September 25 after the lease expired. (Photo by Richard A. Brooks / AFP) (Photo by RICHARD A. BROOKS/AFP via Getty Images)
街機仍然是許多玩家的興趣選擇 (Photo by RICHARD A. BROOKS/AFP via Getty Images)

根據日本帝國數據銀行(帝国データバンク)報告顯示,上個財政年有 18 家遊戲街機中心企業破產,這是五年來最高的數字,而且是第二年連續增加,這十年間的遊戲中心店鋪數包括轉手售出與破產多達 8000 家,五年間減少 30% 總數,而遊戲內容也從街機移至夾娃娃機為主。

根據日本遊藝產業協會報告顯示,雖然已經開始慢慢擺脫了 21 年開始的疫情損失狀況,但是消費稅、硬幣兌換手續以及電費的上漲,讓這個原本就相當薄利的產業難以站穩,每 100 日圓的營業額只能賺到淨利 6 日圓,2022 年 SEGA 也將旗下實體街機中心全數易手給 GIGO 集團,這個從昭和時代開始受到年輕人支持的產業如何轉變與維持如今受到不小的考驗。

TOKYO, JAPAN - FEBRUARY 28: A view of Akihabara, known as the electronic town of Tokyo, is seen in Tokyo, Japan on February 28, 2022. Akihabara brings culture and technology together. The town, in the northeast of the Tokyo, is a frequent destination for electronics enthusiasts with its product options in a manner of software, hardware, video games and consoles, computer products, and Japanese comics and animated series. (Photo by Ahmet Furkan Mercan/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images)
秋葉原的景色也在這幾年改變非常多 (Photo by Ahmet Furkan Mercan/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images)