
<p>Health Minister Chen Shih-chung speaks at a press conference on April 16, 2020. (Photo courtesy of the CECC)</p>

Health Minister Chen Shih-chung speaks at a press conference on April 16, 2020. (Photo courtesy of the CECC)


The Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC, 中央流行疫情中心) on Thursday reported no new cases of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) infections, maintaining 395 confirmed cases in Taiwan.

Yesterday saw an additional 962 pneumonia-related reports e released, and the tally as of press time was 50,703 (including 47,407 already dismissed), with 395 confirmed.

Among the 395 confirmed cases, 340 are imported and 55 are categorized as local infections.

Taiwan has reported 6 deaths so far, 155 out of quarantine and the rest are currently still being isolated in hospitals.


According to the CECC, there are 2,059,582 confirmed COVID-19 cases in 184 countries and regions, including 636,350 in the U.S., 177,633 in Spain, 165,155 in Italy, 147,863 in France and 127,584 in Germany, with a total of 133,138 deaths as of Thursday.

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