盧安達火山公園看大猩猩門票1張4.1萬 復育有成數量激增 猩猩「殺嬰」增5倍

Mountain gorilla's from the Muhoza family move towards their nest at the Volcanoes National Park, Rwanda, on October 29, 2021. With hundreds of mountain gorillas in residence, the Volcanoes National Park in Rwanda is a conservation triumph. But this resurgence is not without consequences, as the majestic creatures now struggle for space to grow and thrive.
Thanks to this revival, the mountain gorilla, known for its thick, shiny fur, is now listed as

橫跨非洲國家盧安達、烏干達及剛果的維隆加山脈(Virunga)是瀕危山地大猩猩在世界上的唯一棲息地,因各界努力復育有成,盧安達大猩猩數量因盜獵在1980年代驟減剩250隻,現在已有600多隻,與烏干達加起來超過千隻。其中盧安達火山公園(Volcanoes National Park)是探望大猩猩的熱門景點,1張門票要價1,500美元(約新台幣4.1萬元)以價制量,其中10%用於附近社區建設,5%用來補貼居民,讓附近原本懼怕猩猩的民眾將其視為經濟來源之一。

A carving of mountain gorilla is seen at the entrance of the Volcanoes National Park in Rwanda on October 29, 2021. With hundreds of mountain gorillas in residence, the Volcanoes National Park in Rwanda is a conservation triumph. But this resurgence is not without consequences, as the majestic creatures now struggle for space to grow and thrive.
Thanks to this revival, the mountain gorilla, known for its thick, shiny fur, is now listed as


A female adult mountain gorilla sits between plants with her baby in the Volcanoes National Park, Rwanda, on October 29, 2021. With hundreds of mountain gorillas in residence, the Volcanoes National Park in Rwanda is a conservation triumph. But this resurgence is not without consequences, as the majestic creatures now struggle for space to grow and thrive.
Thanks to this revival, the mountain gorilla, known for its thick, shiny fur, is now listed as


A local man displays souvenirs for sale at the entrance of Volcanoes National Park, Rwanda, on October 29, 2021. With hundreds of mountain gorillas in residence, the Volcanoes National Park in Rwanda is a conservation triumph. But this resurgence is not without consequences, as the majestic creatures now struggle for space to grow and thrive.
Thanks to this revival, the mountain gorilla, known for its thick, shiny fur, is now listed as


延伸閱讀》日本「最帥大猩猩」夏巴尼歡度25歲生日 粉絲慶生讚「大叔魅力更迷人!」
