盧秀燕挨批破壞台美互信 民進黨點名「江啟臣教授」:能接受嗎?





Yesterday, AIT Director called on Taichung City Mayor Shiow-Yen Lu. According to media reports, the originally closed-door meeting was unilaterally turned into an event open to the media by the Taichung city government.

In diplomacy, mutual trust and respect are basic principles, and it is only through these mutually understood respect that heartfelt dialogues can occur. As a former professor of International Relations, Chairman Johnny Chiang must be familiar with these protocols as well.

Paging #ChairmanJohnnyChiang, do you agree with Taichung City Mayor Shiow-Yen Lu's diplomatic ambush on AIT, which is in fact an act jeopardizing the US-Taiwan mutual trust foundation?

相關報導》 兩名台積電叛將,引爆中芯大地震!梁孟松突然宣布辭職,港股停牌、A股暴跌
相關報導》 盧秀燕向AIT表態反萊豬挨轟失禮 美專家反問:市長不能表達意見?