真人版古墓奇兵? 百萬美金寶藏竟在「這裡」




The “Fenn Treasure” valued at more than US$1 million (NT$29.7 million) was recently discovered in the U.S. Rocky Mountains where it was hidden ten years ago.

今年89歲的費恩(Forrest Fenn) 是個藝術品和古物收藏家,於2010年宣布在深山中埋了一箱的金子、紅寶石、綠寶石和鑽石。

Forrest Fenn, an 89-year-old collector of art and antiques, announced in 2010 that he hid a chest containing gold, rubies, emeralds and diamonds.


The man had given as only clue a poem of 24 verses published in his autobiography released the same year.

The poem published in Fenn’s book (Instagram/@prospectorai)
The poem published in Fenn’s book (Instagram/@prospectorai)


Since then, more than 350,000 people adventurers have scoured the mountainous region in search of the precious stones left behind by Forrest Fenn. At least five people have died on the hunt.


One of them finally discovered the treasure, as the collector revealed on his website, in the “lush vegetation” of the Rocky Mountains.


“The quest is over,” wrote the octogenarian. I congratulate the thousands of people who participated and hope they will continue to be motivated by the promise of more discoveries.


Forrest Fenn said he does not know the winner of this scavenger hunt for more than a decade. Whoever finally located the precious box did not want his identity to be revealed.


“The poem in my book led him to the precise spot [located] under a starry canopy in the lush vegetation of the Rocky Mountain forest,” Forrest Fenn said.


The American had envisioned this treasure hunt to inspire people to explore nature and to give hope to those who had suffered from the financial crisis.

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