神還原Q嫩魚肉! 日本「鮭魚膠帶」立即完售

<p>A Japanese social media user recently created a salmon tape out of their love for the fish. (Photo courtesy of MoetMatsuzake/Twitter)</p>

A Japanese social media user recently created a salmon tape out of their love for the fish. (Photo courtesy of MoetMatsuzake/Twitter)


A Japanese social media user whose love for salmon just couldn’t be contained recently launched his own brand of “salmon-colored” tape to the delight of many.


The tape, which managed to mimic the patterns and white lines in salmon meat to perfection, also came with a warning note that it’s not edible, as the realistic tape could easily be mistaken for mouth-watering fish.


The Twitter user, MoetMatsuzake, explained that he has always loved eating salmon, and had always wanted to create something based on his favorite food.


One day, the idea to make salmon into a tape came to his mind, and after the laborious process of adjusting the patterns so they look as realistic as possible, they finally finished the product.


The inventor even reached out to mariculturists who confirmed that the creation is as close to the real thing as it gets.


According to his website, one roll of tape is priced at 390 yens (around NT$98) while two are sold at a discounted price of 770 yen (NT$193).

One roll of salmon tape is priced at 390 yen, but it was soon sold out. (Photo courtesy of https://moetmatsuzake.booth/Website)
One roll of salmon tape is priced at 390 yen, but it was soon sold out. (Photo courtesy of https://moetmatsuzake.booth/Website)


The tapes were immediately sold out and social media users commented their enthusiasm for more salmon-related products with many adding they couldn’t stop drooling just from looking at the tape.

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