

With the prevalence and rise of so many different types of social media platforms, brands nowadays are finding it an increasing challenge to attract the attention of potential customers with just one glance.

此時,AI行銷平台DIPP執行長陳思穎 (Jennifer Chen)快速的找到解決問題的方法,打造出AI設計師MASSIMO入討論

Jennifer Chen, CEO of online marketing platform Dipp, has found a way to solve the issue by inviting AI designer, MASSIMO into the conversation.


Through establishing her base in Taiwan in 2018, Chen has found a way to overcome “creative subjectivity” and reduce inefficiencies through MASSIMO.

根據陳思穎所述,「隨著媒體分眾化、視覺傳達設計 需要調整成多種格式 才能被消費者看見。」 為了節省時間和人力,AI可以透過數據分析,提供深入的見解,將設計過程自動化。

According to her, media fragmentation has led to the adaptation of visual communication materials. To save time and manpower, AI can automate the designing process and provide insight through data analysis.


From determining what visual details attracts customers to being flexible enough to account for human subjectivity, Chen’s brainchild can help brands balance between what they like and what works for customers.

陳思穎表示,「作為一個創企業,我們有很多方式與頂尖人才建立關係」。 號稱「亞洲之心」的台灣蘊藏著許多優良的硬體技術人員和軟體層面的優秀工程師。

“As a startup, we have many ways to connect with top talents,” Chen said. As the “heart of Asia,” Taiwan has many good engineering talents, including hardware or software.


She remarked that Taiwan universities have invested in top professors to cultivate computer science talents.


“With more talents, it brings more companies that lead to an actively growing ecosystem, ” Chen said, adding that that’s what makes Taiwan and Asia one of the fastest developing regions in the world.

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