管控中國風險 拜登推文談維護台海、南海穩定
[Newtalk新聞] 美國總統拜登(Joe Biden)於美東時間2日與中國國家主席習近平通話,並重申對維持台海和平與穩定現狀的高度重視;拜登也發布推文,表達對維護台海、南海穩定立場。外交部一向密切關注美中高層互動情形,台美之間互信良好,溝通管道暢通,歷次美中高層互動,台美均保持密切聯繫。拜登繼日前在「國情咨文」首度強調挺身支持台海和平與穩定後,再度公開強調美國對維持台海和平與穩定的堅定立場,外交部表示肯定與歡迎。
Today, I had a candid conversation with President Xi Jinping of the People’s Republic of China on a range of issues, including areas of cooperation and areas of difference.
I emphasized the importance of maintaining peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait and in the South China Sea, and raised concerns over the PRC’s support for Russia’s defense industrial base, their unfair trade policies, and economic and technological practices that harm American workers and families.
I look forward to responsibly managing our relationship in the weeks and months ahead.
花蓮7.2強震 蔡英文、賴清德籲國人:保持冷靜、留意官方訊息
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