簡易滾湯|豬潤瘦肉枸杞蛋花湯 Lean pork, pig liver, goji leaves a

枸杞是春夏常見的蔬菜,味道略帶甘苦,通常會配以肉片、豬膶滾湯。對小朋友來說這道湯水不易入口,不過湯水有清肝明目、養肝益腎、開胃健脾、清熱止渴,十分適合春夏天飲用,而且湯料可作餸,實在是經濟又有益。 枸杞又稱作枸杞菜、天精菜。味苦甘而涼,主要功效包括清肝明目、寧神安睡、預防血管硬化、延緩衰老、補血及提高免疫力、開胃健脾及清熱解毒。並含有豐富蛋白質、碳水化合物、維他命B及C、粗纖維及胡蘿蔔素。枸杞對肝臟特別有益,因為其葉片內含有甜菜鹼和枸杞葉蛋白素,能清除肝臟內毛細血管所積存的毒素。

製作時間: 1小時內
份量人數: 3-4人

枸杞 Goji leaves 300克/g
瘦肉 Lean pork 100克/g
豬膶 Pig liver 150克/g
雞蛋 Egg 2隻/pcs
薑 Ginger slice 4片/slices
杞子 Goji berry 10克/g
水 Water 2公升/L

鹽 Salt ½茶匙/tsp
生抽 Soy sauce 2茶匙/tsp
蠔油 Oyster sauce 2茶匙/tsp
紹興酒 Shaoxing wine 2茶匙/tsp
糖 Sugar 1茶匙/tsp
胡椒粉 Pepper powder 少許/A a pin
生粉/Cornstarch 2茶匙/tsp

1 :

材料 Ingredient
2 :

瘦肉切薄片 Slice the lean pork thinly.
3 :

泡水30分鐘,期間換2-3次至沒有羶味 Soak in water for 30 minutes, changing the water 2-3 times until there is no gamey smell.
4 :

豬膶切厚片 Cut the pig liver into thick slices.
5 :

泡水30分鐘,期間換5-6次至水乾淨沒有血水及豬膶片略脹 Soak in water for 30 minutes, changing the water 5-6 times until the water is clean with no blood and the pig liver slices are slightly swollen.
6 :

瘦肉片及豬膶片瀝水及印乾 Drain the sliced lean pork and pig liver and pat dry
7 :

各下半份調味料醃30分鐘 Marinate with half of the seasoning for 30 minutes each.
8 :
枸杞浸水30分鐘 Soak the goji leaves in water for 30 minutes.
9 :

逆方向退出枸杞葉,期間小心被尖刺刺傷 Carefully remove the leaves in the opposite direction to avoid being pricked by thorns.
10 :

枸杞葉清洗2-3次至乾淨 Wash the goji leaves 2-3 times until clean.
11 :

枸杞莖剪短備用 Cut the goji stems short and set aside.
12 :

煲滾水,下薑片及枸杞莖 Boil water, add ginger slices and goji stems
13 :

大火滾10分鐘至出味 Boil on high heat for 10 minutes to release the flavor.
14 :

撈起枸杞莖,下瘦肉片及豬膶片滾5分鐘 Remove the goji stems, add the sliced lean pork and pig liver, and boil for 5 minutes.
15 :

?起淨泡,撈起瘦肉片及豬膶片 Remove any foam, then remove the sliced lean pork and pig liver.
16 :

下枸杞葉煮至滾起後撈起 Add goji leaves and cook until they come to a boil, then remove.
17 :

雞蛋拂勻,慢慢下湯中成蛋花湯 Whisk the eggs and slowly pour into the soup to form egg drop soup.
18 :

將湯料回鑊,下杞子即成 Return the soup ingredients to the pot, add goji berries, and it's ready to serve.

- 食譜來源 : https://cook1cook.com/recipe/55259
- 發掘更多美食 : https://cook1cook.com