【簡易西餐】菠菜忌廉吞拿魚意粉 Spinach and tuna spaghetti and cre


製作時間: 30分鐘內
份量人數: 1-2人

橄欖油浸吞拿魚罐頭 Tuna in olive oil 1罐/Can
菠菜 spinach 1杯/Cup
意大利粉 Spaghetti 60克/g
蒜頭 (切碎)Garlice (Minced) 2瓣/cloves
牛油 Butter 少許/Some
麵粉 Flour 2湯匙/tbsp
牛奶 Milk ⅓杯/Cup
鹽 Salt 少許/Some
黑椒 Pepper 少許/Some
芝士粉 Cheese powder 適量/To serv

1 :

煲滾熱水,加鹽和油,放入意大利粉煮熟待用 Boil the spaghetti in a pot of hot water with salt and oil until fully cook, set aside.
2 :

將吞拿魚連罐內橄欖油略炒 Stir fry tuna fish with olive oil.
3 :

加牛油略炒,然後加麵粉 Stir in butter and flour.
4 :

加牛奶,然後慢火把醬汁煮成為濃稠 Stir in milk and cook over low heat until it become creamy texture.
5 :

加入蒜蓉及意大利粉炒勻 Stir in minced garlic and spaghetti.
6 :

加入菠菜炒勻 Add in spinach.
7 :

加入黑椒及芝士粉調味 Season with pepper and cheese powder.
8 :

- 食譜來源 : https://cook1cook.com/recipe/53853
- 發掘更多美食 : https://cook1cook.com