經典賽》對日本念念不忘 大聯盟記者返美抱怨這件事:像回到地獄
Thanks one million times to @2525kk for this most beautiful of meals.
He is also the secret superpower behind this tournament. Without his amazing translations, no one would be able to speak to all these wonderful teams and players coming through. pic.twitter.com/l5K8ZW5LlU— Michael Clair (@michaelsclair) March 13, 2023
Coming back to the states is like going to the stone ages — at least in the bathroom. What kind of hell world is this without bidets and heated seats???
— Michael Clair (@michaelsclair) March 17, 2023
WBC(世界棒球經典賽)預賽已經正式結束,駐點各地的大聯盟記者陸續完成任務返國,負責B組賽事的克拉爾(Michael Clair)閒暇之餘,在日本當地品嘗各式各樣食物,也對當地廁所感到印象深刻,感嘆回到美國如同來到地獄一般。
Experience of a lifetime covering the WBC in both Taiwan and Japan. The games, the tournament means so much in both places. And every player on every team had so much pride representing their/their parents/their grandparents countries. One of the best things baseball does
— Matt Monagan (@MattMonagan) March 17, 2023
另一名記者莫納根(Matt Monagan)因A組賽程早一步結束,也從台灣飛往日本,這趟亞洲行讓他感觸很深,「在台灣和日本報導WBC,是我一生當中最難忘的經歷,WBC在這兩個地方意義重大。每個球員都非常自豪代表他們的國家參賽,是棒球這項運動中最美好的事。」
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