緬甸環球小姐反對軍方鎮壓 發「捂嘴矇眼」黑白照挺示威

<p> 2020緬甸環球小姐冠軍近日在臉書和IG上發佈一系列黑白照,表達對緬甸軍方暴力鎮壓的抗議。(圖/翻攝自臉書)|The winner of Miss Universe Myanmar 2020 recently posted a series of black and white photos to express opposition to the military’s violent suppression done to the democratic protesters. (photo courtesy/ Facebook)</p>

2020緬甸環球小姐冠軍近日在臉書和IG上發佈一系列黑白照,表達對緬甸軍方暴力鎮壓的抗議。(圖/翻攝自臉書)|The winner of Miss Universe Myanmar 2020 recently posted a series of black and white photos to express opposition to the military’s violent suppression done to the democratic protesters. (photo courtesy/ Facebook)


The winner of Miss Universe Myanmar 2020 recently posted a series of black and white photos on Facebook as well as Instagram, showing herself being blindfolded and with her mouth taped.

The photos were posted to express her opposition to the military coup and the violent suppression done to the democratic protesters.

2020緬甸環球小姐冠軍圖薩爾(Thuzar Wint Lwin)18日在個人臉書上傳一系列黑白照片,只見她雙眼被蒙上白布、嘴被膠帶封起,雙手也被綑綁,眼角流出淚水。

In the photos, Thuzar Wint Lwin, the winner of Miss Universe Myanmar 2020, can be seen with her eyes covered with a white cloth, her mouth sealed with tape, her hands tied, and tears falling down her face.


To support her argument, she wrote in her post: “They blind us, They tie us, But our cries are louder than their violence …” with hashtags including #CitizenDisobedienceMovement, #SaveMyanmar, #HearMyanmarsVoice, and more.

The post has garnered more than 20 thousand likes.

2020緬甸環球小姐冠軍近日在臉書和IG上發佈一系列黑白照,表達對緬甸軍方暴力鎮壓的抗議。(圖/翻攝自臉書)|The winner of Miss Universe Myanmar 2020 recently posted a series of black and white photos to express opposition to the military’s violent suppression done to the democratic protesters. (photo courtesy/ Facebook)
2020緬甸環球小姐冠軍近日在臉書和IG上發佈一系列黑白照,表達對緬甸軍方暴力鎮壓的抗議。(圖/翻攝自臉書)|The winner of Miss Universe Myanmar 2020 recently posted a series of black and white photos to express opposition to the military’s violent suppression done to the democratic protesters. (photo courtesy/ Facebook)

綽號「糖果」的圖薩爾今年22歲,是東仰光大學(East Yangon University)英語系學生,擁有170公分的高挑好身材和一張稜角分明的臉蛋,再加上落落大方的自信表現,讓她在2020年緬甸環球小姐選美大賽中脫穎而出,最終奪下桂冠。

Nicknamed “Candy,” Thuzar Wint Lwin is a 22-year-old English major student from East Yangon University.

With her outstanding figure and beauty coupled with her confidence, she stood out among the contestants in the 2020 Miss Universe Myanmar Beauty pageant and finally won the crown.


In early February, the military seized power on the grounds of “election fraud,” imprisoning many national political figures, including Aung San Suu Kyi.

The military coup infuriated a large number of Burmese people, who took to the streets to protest, demanding that the military respect the election results and return power peacefully.

2020緬甸環球小姐冠軍近日在臉書和IG上發佈一系列黑白照,表達對緬甸軍方暴力鎮壓的抗議。(圖/翻攝自臉書)|The winner of Miss Universe Myanmar 2020 recently posted a series of black and white photos to express opposition to the military’s violent suppression done to the democratic protesters. (photo courtesy/ Facebook)
2020緬甸環球小姐冠軍近日在臉書和IG上發佈一系列黑白照,表達對緬甸軍方暴力鎮壓的抗議。(圖/翻攝自臉書)|The winner of Miss Universe Myanmar 2020 recently posted a series of black and white photos to express opposition to the military’s violent suppression done to the democratic protesters. (photo courtesy/ Facebook)

這篇文章 緬甸環球小姐反對軍方鎮壓 發「捂嘴矇眼」黑白照挺示威 最早出現於 四方報。 | This article, Miss Universe Myanmar voices against military violence with black-and-white photos, first appeared in 4-way voice.