美籍抖音網紅刺青惹議 竟引爆菲律賓韓國推特網戰

<p>菲裔美國籍抖音網紅Bella Poarch|A Filipino-American influencer Bella Poarch, who has 17 million followers, posted a Tik-Tok dance video of herself. (Courtesy of  Bella Poarch/TikTok)</p>

菲裔美國籍抖音網紅Bella Poarch|A Filipino-American influencer Bella Poarch, who has 17 million followers, posted a Tik-Tok dance video of herself. (Courtesy of Bella Poarch/TikTok)

【看CP學英文】擁有1700萬粉絲的菲裔美國籍抖音網紅Bella Poarch日前PO出一段舞蹈影片,眼尖網友發現她手臂上的刺青圖案為日本軍旗,意外引發南韓、菲律賓兩國網友激烈論戰。

A Filipino-American influencer, Bella Poarch, who has more than 17 million followers, posted a TikTok dance video with a Japanese rising sun flag on her arm, sparking a heated debate between South Korean and Filipino social media users.

據報導, Poarch左手臂上刺著日本軍旗「旭日旗」,中間為紅日周圍散發旭日光芒,為二戰時期日本軍國主義象徵。對於南韓民眾來說,旭日旗令人聯想起日本在二戰時期對於南韓的暴行,此旗幟相當於德國納粹黨標誌,十分冒犯。

According to various news outlets, Poarch’s left arm is tattooed with the Japanese war flag, the Rising Sun flag, a symbol of Japanese militarism during World War II.

For South Koreans, the flag is reminiscent of Japan’s atrocities against South Korea during World War II. It is offensive as it is seen as the equivalent of the German Nazi swastika.


So I decided to make a dance for this sound & I’m not even good at dancing

♬ The Banjo Beat, Pt. 1 – Ricky Desktop


Many users from South Korea spotted the tattoo and criticized the 19-year-old influencer for being ignorant of the meaning of the image and its historical conflict.

There are even some users who went as far as generalizing the Philippines as a “poor country with non-educated, short people.”

面對這場意外挑起的激烈論戰,這位生於菲律賓,搬到美國已經6年的Poarch PO文向粉絲道歉,她在貼文中表達對韓國的愛,並強調會遮蓋住刺青、或直接去除。

The influencer who was born in the Philippines and moved to the U.S. six years ago, posted an apology to her fans for the controversy, in which she expressed her love for South Korea and stressed that she would cover up the tattoo or simply remove it.


However, the apology could not soothe the anger of social media users. In response to the attack, Filipino users took to Twitter with the hashtag #CancelKorea to express their displeasure over South Korean’s malicious criticism of the Philippines, which shot to the top of the trending hashtags.


Some Filipino users, however, called for calm and restraint and advised to understand where the reaction was coming from.

In response to the hashtag, some Koreans expressed sadness over the issue and have since shared positive messages on Twitter.

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