義大利創業家選擇在台開業 大讚:有賓至如歸的感覺

<p>Marco Mirabella, the Italian founder of Ensuro, decided to stay in Taiwan because of the high quality of living.  (Screengrab from video)</p>

Marco Mirabella, the Italian founder of Ensuro, decided to stay in Taiwan because of the high quality of living. (Screengrab from video)


To some foreigners, Taiwan is the perfect place to work and live.

來自義大利的Marco Mirabella (馬可)是Ensuro公司的創辦人,因為看中台灣較高的生活品質決定留在這裡開業。

Marco Mirabella, the Italian founder of Ensuro, has decided to stay in Taiwan because of the high quality of living.


Before moving to Taiwan, Mirabella worked as an analyst for venture capital fund SOSV in Shanghai. Then he got transferred to the Taiwan office.


“I want to spend a significant part of my life here,” Mirabella said. “The Taiwanese are super friendly and they make you feel at home.”


Mirabella is working in the blockchain space. To him, Taiwan can be a “center of excellence for the blockchain market.”


“It is full of very talented engineers, and its geographical location makes it a perfect place to access the Asian market,” Mirabella said.


Moreover, he said that the Taiwanese government is very open to blockchain technology.


Mirabella also said that the many international talents make the startup environment in Taiwan “very vibrant and exciting.”


As more and more countries such as the US and the UK are embracing innovation in the insurance space, Mirabella said he believes Taiwan will be next.

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