老外看台灣/加拿大人有話要說 回到正常生活然後呢?

【看CP學英文】在高雄教英文的加拿大人衛斯理(Wes Davies)日前拍攝影片分享,上週造訪台東三仙台、池上,被自然美景所震懾,當他看到站在台東這塊淨土上,一邊是太平洋,另一側則是中央山脈,新鮮的空氣、寬闊的土地終能靜下心來好好反思這波疫情帶給人類的衝擊,以及值得反思的地方。

Wes Davies, an English teacher from Canada living in southern Taiwan, recently shared a video in which he documented his trip in the beautiful Taitung County.

Davies visited several destinations, including Sanxiantai and Chishang, and he was amazed by the breathtaking view of the vast green fields and Pacific ocean.

With the Pacific Ocean on one side and the mountains on the other, Davies left behind the city’s hustle and bustle and had a quiet time reflecting on the changes that the coronavirus pandemic has brought to human beings.


“Even though the island seems small, it would take a lifetime to explore all that it has to offer,” he said.


Before the pandemic, when people were free to do anything they want, most were concerned about where to eat dinner or whether their favorite sports team would make the playoffs. “I don’t think we realized exactly how lucky we were,” he continued.

而現在全球受疫情影響,人類面臨空前的改變、挑戰,但衛斯理想聚焦的並不是目前現況有多慘,而是著眼於「這波疫情之後,生活回復正常,那我們的下一步呢?」(Where do we go from here?)

“Now, the pandemic has swept across countries and human beings are facing unprecedented challenges,” he continued. However, what Davies wants to focus on now is not how terrible the world is, but “what comes next? Where do we go from here?”

何不設定新常態呢?(Why not make a new normal?)衛斯理點出,在排山倒海的疫情新聞席捲之時,其中也不乏正面文章,像是封城過後的威尼斯運河(Canal of Venice)變得非常清澈。

“Why not make a new normal?” He pointed out that some positive articles are emerging from all this chaos. For example, due to Italy’s lockdown, the canals of Venice have never been cleaner.


In addition to the changes in nature, Davies shared his perspectives on the differences in society. So, let’s see what’s the “new normal?”

影片授權:(@Wes Davies 衛斯理)


Wes YT頻道:http://bit.ly/2kkQ9cr

Wes IG: https://pse.is/QRBXT

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