老外看台灣/在台老外居家隔離手機壞掉 員警超暖心一舉眾落淚


With the COVID-19 pandemic raging around the world, Taiwan is still enforcing strict confinement measures for travelers who recently returned from abroad under a mandatory 14-day quarantine.


However, for some, the ordeal turned out to have a silver lining.


Timothy Conkling, who had been living in Taiwan for almost 15 years as a missionary and pastor, recently traveled to Indonesia for ministry, and upon his return, he was subject to quarantine.


Rev. Conkling explained that every day an assigned police officer would call and check up on him to make sure he was still inside his home and asked if he needed anything.


Soon after, Rev. Conkling’s phone battery stopped working which triggered an alarm to the police.


After explaining everything to Claudia Tien, his assigned officer, Rev. Conkling was surprised to receive a new Asus Zen phone Max the next day to use for the rest of his time in quarantine.


The amazing and considerate move left a lasting impression on Rev. Conkling, and he expressed his gratitude and admiration for the Taiwan government and Taipei Police Department for making his quarantine experience wonderful.

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