老外看台灣/德國女孩嫁來台灣 推廣手工蛋糕事業


Sally Hsieh (謝薩莉) hails from Frankfurt, Germany. She came to Taiwan to learn Chinese in 2015, thinking the ability to speak Chinese would be helpful to her career since Germany has seen an increase in number of ethnic Chinese people visiting in recent years.

She went back home in 2017, where she met her now-husband who was studying in Germany. The two immediately hit it off as they both shared similar values. After dating for a few months, they decided to get married and come back to Taiwan together.


Cakes are a daily necessity for Germans, and Sally had been learning to bake with her grandmother since she was little. She believes cakes can bring joy to people’s lives. After moving back to Taiwan, she proposed the idea of promoting german cakes, and with both her husband and mother-in-law’s full support, she began her handmade cake business.


Sally carried out the rigorous spirit and persistence towards perfection that Germans are known for, working 12-18 hours a day on creating the best german cake. After six months of hard work and countless adjustments, her career began to take off.

Besides work, marriage had also been a challenge for Sally. She was only 22 when she married her husband with a 10-year age gap between them. Living and working together had caused conflicts to arise, making them argue a lot in the beginning.

However, they both wanted to work things out and thus decided to adjust their attitude. With more love and understanding in their relationship, Sally, her husband and her mother-in-law have been living together in happiness and peace, and their time together is what Sally cherishes the most.

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