

Cocona moved from Japan to Taiwan a few years ago, but she only recently unveiled the story behind her love for the island country in a video.

Contrary to all expectations, Cocona said that she learned about Taiwan through “Meteor Garden,” a Taiwanese TV series. She immediately fell in love with Taiwan and expressed the desire of becoming a “true Taiwanese” in her next life.


It was Cocona’s junior high school friend who introduced her to the TV series. Mesmerized by the TV show and its four male leads, (a.k.a. F4), Cocona even called the TV producers to ask where it was filmed; thus, learning of the place, Taiwan.


Between the age of 14 to 25, Cocona and her mother traveled to Taiwan around 30 times. Because of her love of the band. she also took the time to understand the Taiwan culture, thoroughly.

Cocona also revealed that the Lungshan Temple left a long-lasting impression because of its appearance in the TV show.


Cocona believes that she must be have been a Taiwanese in her past life as she has an “indescribable sense of belonging” whenever she’s in Taiwan. Every time she goes back to Japan, all she can think of is how much she looks forward to coming back here again.


Today, Cocona has fulfilled her junior high school dream. Still, she has the “life-long dream” of meeting the members of F4 band and she hopes that the viewers can help spread the word.

不要鬧粉絲團: https://goo.gl/YGbHmr

請訂閱不要鬧: https://goo.gl/5Yx5cE

訂閱第二頻道: https://goo.gl/KZ1QU1

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