老外看台灣/法國新創策略總監大推台灣 曝寶島最吸引人的「兩點」


More and more foreigners are moving to Taiwan because of the high quality of life.

台灣新創公司Ubiik的策略總監克萊門特(Clément Dieudonné)就視台灣為一塊未被發掘的寶石。

To Clément Dieudonné, corporate strategy director at a Taiwanese startup company Ubiik, Taiwan is a “hidden gem” waiting to be discovered.


Born and raised in Paris, Dieudonné, wanted to “discover other places” ventured out to Hong Kong to get his MBA.


Dieudonné later moved to Taiwan for work, because Taiwan is strong in areas such as semiconductor electronics, telecommunications, green power, and renewable energies, he said.

克萊門特也點出Ubiik 管理團隊不僅雇用了台灣本地人還匯集了許多外國人。

He said Ubiik has brought together not only Taiwanese locals but also a number of foreigners.


With a good healthcare system, air quality, and great food, Taiwan’s living environment lets Dieudonné feel safe and healthy.


Dieudonné said he can see more and more foreigners coming to Taiwan for a good quality of life.


“It’s not just about the career, it’s also about having a fulfilling life beyond a career,” Dieudonné said.

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