老外看台灣/瑞典帥哥南北部粽子大評比! 竟是「這項」擄獲老外的心

【看CP學英文】隨著端午節到來,熱愛粽子的瑞典YouTuber Jonas特別分享他吃完南部粽、北部粽的感想,並針對其口感、內餡、味道來做評比,選出他心中第一名的粽子!

As the Dragon Boat Festival is around the corner, Swedish YouTuber Jonas has tried both the north and south style rice dumplings and chose his favorite rice dumpling in terms of the texture, fillings and flavors.


To find the best rice dumplings, Jonas has followed the locals’ advice and went to two of the most famous rice dumpling shops in the Nanmen market in Taipei.


Jonas first tried the North style rice dumplings, which contained pork, peanuts, mushrooms and other ingredients.

The north style rice dumpling tastes chewy and heavy and I feel stuffed after eating just one rice dumpling.


As a rice dumpling lover, Jonas also pointed out to the differences between the northern and southern styles of the rice dumplings.

He said that the fillings of the north style rice dumplings are fried separately, while the rice and ingredients of south style rice dumplings are boiled together.


As for the texture of the southern rice dumplings, Jonas described it as like mochi, not as firm as the northern rice dumplings, but the pork in the filling was really good!


Jonas concluded by giving his final verdict on the rice dumplings and choosing his favorite dumpling, which sparked heated discussions among the netizens.


Let’s see which is better in Jonas’ mind, the northern or the southern rice dumplings?

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