老外看台灣/老外千元鈔票照片藏這驚喜 台灣網友驚:從來沒發現!

<p>The foreigner discovered an easily-overlooked detail on the NT$1,000 bill while hiking in Yushan. (Photo courtesy of u/shaz_tw/ Reddit)</p>

The foreigner discovered an easily-overlooked detail on the NT$1,000 bill while hiking in Yushan. (Photo courtesy of u/shaz_tw/ Reddit)


Taiwan bills, unlike bills from countries such as the U.S., are multi-colored. They not only depict prominent figures such as Taiwan’s founding father, but also unique features from the island nation.


During a recent hike on Yushan (Jade Mountain), a foreigner discovered a little detail on a NT$1,000 note that most people have failed to notice and posted it to Reddit.


The foreigner showed a tiny purple flower placed beside the bill and captioned it: “Found this flower (cirsium kawakamii, 玉山薊) on a hike to Yushan front peak trail!”


Many in the comment section, however, were confused at what they were supposed to notice, as one social media user asked, “Why are you treating it (the flower) as a stripper?”


In fact, the foreigner was trying to show that on the bottom left-hand corner of the NT$1,000 bill, there is a drawing of a small snow-flake-like design, the cirsium kawakamii.

這種花可以在全島海拔 2,600~3,800 公尺的高山上找到。

The flower, also known as a thistle, can be found throughout the island at altitudes of 2,600 to 3,800 meters above sea level.

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