老外看台灣/菲律賓神剪輯攝影師捕捉寶島之美 「這趟是我生命中最難忘的旅行」

【看CP學英文】擁有豐富天然資源的台灣是亞洲旅遊熱點之一,許多旅遊部落客、攝影師會特別來到這座太平洋上的美麗的小島取景,但是對於文森(Vincent Hablan)來說,台灣在他生命中不僅僅是太平洋上的島國,意義非凡,離開後他也信誓旦旦的決定「以後一定會再訪台灣!」

Taiwan is one of the most popular destinations in Asia for tourists who want to capture its natural beauty.

To Vincent Hablan and his fiancée, however, Taiwan means so much more — the culture, the food and cityscapes — that they want to visit Taiwan time again!

來自菲律賓的文森接受The China Post特別專訪,在商船擔任船員的他每天到處飄泊,四處為家,過去十年,每年有長達八到九個月都待在船上,每天重複一樣的乏味工作內容,對文森來說彷彿成為海上人囚。

The 31-year-old photographer from the Philippines told The China Post that he spends as much as eight to nine months a year on a merchant ship on which he has repeated the same tedious work day after day for the past ten years.

“I feel imprisoned every time doing the same work routine in the ship,” he said.

拼圖由左到右,十分車站、象山、九份|The collage shows Shifen train station, Xiangshan, Jiufen (Courtesy of Vincent Hablan)
拼圖由左到右,十分車站、象山、九份|The collage shows Shifen train station, Xiangshan, Jiufen (Courtesy of Vincent Hablan)


Travel has become the source of his motivation whenever he hopes to live a different life. “Traveling now and then during my off the ship days refreshes my mind, makes me happy and gives me the feeling of being alive and free again and part of the outside world,” he explained.


“I will be back in Taiwan and visit Alishan Forest and the countryside,” he added.


“We have heard so many wonderful things about Taiwan. We would like to explore places such as Alishan Forest, we did not make it due to time constraints,” he said about his latest Taiwan trip.

Therefore, the couple decided to explore nearby places in the northern part of Taiwan.

拼圖由左到右,十分瀑布、中正紀念堂、西門町|The collage shows Shifen waterfall, National Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall and Ximending (Courtesy of Vincent Hablan)
拼圖由左到右,十分瀑布、中正紀念堂、西門町|The collage shows Shifen waterfall, National Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall and Ximending (Courtesy of Vincent Hablan)


When asked what impressed him most about his trip, Vincent excitedly said: “The food was really good, the people in Taiwan are very polite and friendly, and the public transportation system is very convenient.”


He added: “We enjoyed Shifen and Jiufen and Ximending,” adding that he and his wife love everything about Taiwan.


“The trip to Taiwan was one of the most memorable trips for us because it was in Taiwan that I proposed to my fiancée!”

拼圖,十分瀑布、十分車站|The collage shows Shifen waterfall and Shifen train station. (Courtesy of Vincent Hablan)
拼圖,十分瀑布、十分車站|The collage shows Shifen waterfall and Shifen train station. (Courtesy of Vincent Hablan)


“We both love traveling and exploring together. And for me, that’s the best and special part of traveling is to share the experience with someone you love,” he continued.


Asked about the difficulties he encountered during the editing, he said that he is still learning, so it took him almost one week to edit it. It makes the process more fun and enjoyable to do rather than rushing to finish the video.


I would love to explore Taiwan’s countryside away from the city, especially in the Southern part of Taiwan’s beautiful mountain sceneries. “I will be back in Taiwan and visit Alishan Forest and the countryside.”

Follow Vincent Hablan on social media:

Instagram: https://instagram.com/vn_xnt?igshid=ffud65tksyrw

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/VincentHablan


Twitter: https://twitter.com/shinigami_xnt?s=20

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