
【看CP學英文】TaindianDJ 不僅是一位在台的印度Youtuber,他更有一個厲害的身分—中研院研究員。最近,TaindianDJ 拍攝了一個影片探討印度人在台的生活情況。

TaindianDJ, an Indian Youtuber and a research scholar at Academia Sinica, recently uploaded a video discussing the current situation of Indians in Taiwan.


There are between 8,000 to 10,000 Indian nationals in Taiwan, and we can roughly divide these people into three categories.


First of all, about half of the total Indian population in Taiwan are students pursuing master’s degrees or PhDs in top universities, mostly majoring in engineering and bioscience.

那麼,既然有印度以出了許多 IT 人才聞名全球,為什麼他們不來台讀資工呢?處於資工人才供不應求的時代,印度許多資工學士生看準歐美公司優渥的待遇而傾向到歐美進修。

Upon hearing this, you might wonder: “Why not CS?” DJ unveiled that since CS talents are in high demand, most Indians with CS undergrad degrees prefer to go to the US or Europe for higher education mainly because companies in those regions pay incredibly well.

不過 DJ 也以親身經驗,大力向印度朋友喊話,表示台灣這座美麗的小島是到海外工作地點的不二人選!

However, based on his personal experience in Taiwan, DJ highly recommends those with CS degrees shouldn’t miss out on the chance to work in this gorgeous little island.

另外,也有一大部分印度人在南港科學園區及新竹科學園區上班,只要在中午用餐時間走訪這兩座科學園區,你便會驚訝道「原來有這麼多印度人呀!」DJ 表示,他2014年初抵台灣時,並沒有這麼多印度人,而且多數為學生,如今看到越來越多印度人在台灣公司服務,他非常高興,也很期待未來兩國的發展。

Secondly, a large proportion of the Indians in Taiwan work at Nangan Software Park and Hsinchu Software Park. If you doubt that, you may well stop at those Software Park during lunchtime!

DJ stressed that there weren’t many Indians when he first came to Taiwan in 2014, and most of them were students. He was really excited to see an increasing number of Indian people serving at Taiwanese companies, which is a good omen for both countries.


He also explained that more and more companies are investing in India through the help of Indian employees.


Last but not least, some Indians are operating businesses such as Indian restaurants and Indian grocery stores in Taiwan, which is such glad tidings for the Indian community.

However, the number of Taiwanese people running a business in trade with India is relatively low.

If we seize this opportunity, a tremendous market of 1.3 billion people, Taiwan would be able to rack in big bucks.


Given that Taiwan is deemed as a role model in handling the coronavirus, more and more Indians are considering to work or study abroad in Taiwan.

Follow Dharamjeet (DJ)

Instagram: taindian.dj

YouTube channel : TaindianDJ 台印DJ

Facebook : TaindianDj台印Dj

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