
<p>A Taiwanese dog received praise from expats for following CECC guidelines and wearing a face mask while out on a scooter-ride. (Photo courtesy of Amit Kattal/Reddit)</p>

A Taiwanese dog received praise from expats for following CECC guidelines and wearing a face mask while out on a scooter-ride. (Photo courtesy of Amit Kattal/Reddit)


As local COVID-19 cases continue to surge in Taiwan, Taiwanese dogs are also following regulations as one was recently spotted wearing a face mask while taking a ride on its owner’s scooter.

此照片為在台居住兩年的印度裔的工程師Amit Kattal所拍攝的。

The photo was captured by Indian expat Amit Kattal who has been living in Taiwan for two years now.



The Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC, 中央流行疫情指揮中心) recently announced that the epidemic warning of all parts of Taiwan will be raised to level 3 meaning that wearing face masks will be mandatory if one has to step outside.


Apparently, the law-abiding scooter rider wanted to make sure that all bases were covered and even tied a face mask on his dog, crisscrossing the straps behind its ears.

看到這樣積極抗疫的畫面, Amit開心地在照片上方寫道:「台灣不要擔心!我相信你們可以撐過難關的。」

Upon seeing this dedication in the fight against the pandemic, Kattal happily captioned the photo “Worry not Taiwan. I believe in your capability [to overcome the pandemic].”


The photo was well-received by other foreign expats in Taiwan with one commenting, “good boy role model,” and another saying the masked dog follows rules better than many Taiwanese elders who chose to forgo their masks when taking a walk outside.


Another expressed worry over the dog wearing a face mask in such hot weather, but others said it just goes to show that if a dog can do it, then Taiwanese should be able to too.

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