老外看台灣/馬國學生受齊柏林啟發 縮時攝影「看見台灣」驚豔四座


Feng Ya-Phui from Malaysia has been in Taiwan for four years. During his studies, he has hiked all over the island carrying 20+ kg of photography equipment over 100,000 km to capture Taiwan’s natural beauty.

馮業輝曾在YouTube推出「縮時台灣」3部曲,近期他將這3部曲以及未完成的第四部曲整合,推出8K規格影片「TAIWAN 8K 60」。全片以縮時攝影方式拍下茶壺山、合歡主峰、阿里山、花東縱谷等全台各地美景。

Feng had previously uploaded a trilogy of “Time-lapse Taiwan” videos and recently combined a fourth unfinished project into his work, transforming it into “TAIWAN 8K 60”. The new time-lapse video captures all of Taiwan’s top destinations, including Teapot Mountain, Hehuan Mountain, Ali Mountain and Huadong Valley.

TAIWAN 8K 60」影片中捕捉到許多難得一見、轉瞬即逝的奇景,例如南投縣金龍日出、雲洞山莊雲瀑、暗空公園合歡山。

Through his video, Feng has caught nature’s fleeting moments so you will be able to witness Nantou’s Golden Dragon sunrise, Yundong mountain villa’s waterfall and the beautiful starry night on Hehuan Mountain.


Feng even captured Nantou’s glazed milky way which occurs only three times a year. Within less than a day, Feng’s videos has attracted nearly 20,000 viewers with some praising the photographer’s work, commenting “your video gave me goosebumps!”


To show how much he cares about Taiwan, Feng included in his video his statement, writing that he wants to show the world how beautiful Taiwan truly is.

“Loving Taiwan is not just a statement, but an action,” he wrote.




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