
<p>今年台灣肯德基也不落人後,近日宣布推出啃雞神器「炸雞圍兜兜」,保證吃炸雞脆屑不落地。| This year, KFC Taiwan recently announced the launch of the “fried chicken eaters bib” to ensure that coating does not fall to the ground.  (Courtesy of KFC Taiwan)</p>

今年台灣肯德基也不落人後,近日宣布推出啃雞神器「炸雞圍兜兜」,保證吃炸雞脆屑不落地。| This year, KFC Taiwan recently announced the launch of the “fried chicken eaters bib” to ensure that coating does not fall to the ground. (Courtesy of KFC Taiwan)


KFC has launched various unexpected and creative products overseas, such as fried chicken bath bombs and fried chicken hole shoes.

KFC Taiwan recently announced the “fried chicken eaters bib” to ensure that coating does not fall to the ground.


As KFC established the “Crazy Fried Chicken Club” in Taiwan, the first wave of promotion features fried chicken bibs for promotional use only.

The bibs feature the classic costume color scheme of KFC Grandpa, and the design allows you to devour fried chicken without fear of the coating coming off.

今年台灣肯德基也不落人後,近日宣布推出啃雞神器「炸雞圍兜兜」,保證吃炸雞脆屑不落地。| This year, KFC Taiwan recently announced the launch of the “fried chicken eaters bib” to ensure that coating does not fall to the ground. (Courtesy of KFC Taiwan)
今年台灣肯德基也不落人後,近日宣布推出啃雞神器「炸雞圍兜兜」,保證吃炸雞脆屑不落地。| This year, KFC Taiwan recently announced the launch of the “fried chicken eaters bib” to ensure that coating does not fall to the ground. (Courtesy of KFC Taiwan)


If you want to get a cute fried chicken bib, purchase any KFC bucket meal or group meal (coupons are not applicable) and register your invoice online to enter the lucky draw to win the prize.


KFC is expected to draw the lucky winner on April 12.

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