老外遊太魯閣驚見這畫面 網友笑翻:蔣公是趴踢王?

<p>花蓮太魯閣樓裡的蔣中正銅像(左)和蘇格蘭格拉斯哥威靈頓公爵像(右)。 | This photo collage shows Chiang Kai-Shek’s statue in Hualien, left, and<br />
the equestrian statue of the Duke of Wellington located on Royal Exchange Square in Glasgow, Scotland. (Photo courtesy of @u/0kj0se/Reddit & Shutterstock))</p>

花蓮太魯閣樓裡的蔣中正銅像(左)和蘇格蘭格拉斯哥威靈頓公爵像(右)。 | This photo collage shows Chiang Kai-Shek’s statue in Hualien, left, and
the equestrian statue of the Duke of Wellington located on Royal Exchange Square in Glasgow, Scotland. (Photo courtesy of @u/0kj0se/Reddit & Shutterstock))


While the whole world is under lockdown due to the pandemic, Taiwanese have been traveling nationwide, thanks to Taiwan’s limited rate of community transmissions.

Against this backdrop, a foreigner recently posted an unusual photo of Chiang Kai-shek’s statue on Reddit while traveling to Taroko Gorge in Hualien.

To the foreigner’s confusion, the statue, situated on the second floor of the Taroko Tower near Changchun Shrine, was wearing a bright orange traffic cone on its head.

此照片在外國人社團中得到熱烈的迴響,在照片下面紛紛留言:「昨天派對應該很瘋狂」、「這是『錐帽正』(Cone Cap Shek);不要與『錐帽山』(意指孫中山,Cone Hat Sen)搞混」,最後也有人問「他是剛從格拉斯哥回來嗎?」

The picture garnered attention online with many commenting on the defaced statue of the controversial historical figure: “Must have been a crazy party” and “Cone Cap Shek; not to be confused with Cone Hat Sen.” Another asked, “Back from a holiday in Glasgow?”

Chiang Kai-Shek’s statue is seen on the second floor of the Taroko Tower near Changchun Shrine, in this undated photo. (Photo courtesy of @u/0kj0se/Reddit)
Chiang Kai-Shek’s statue is seen on the second floor of the Taroko Tower near Changchun Shrine, in this undated photo. (Photo courtesy of @u/0kj0se/Reddit)


Known for residents’ unique sense of humor, Glasgow, Scotland, boasts of a famous statue of the Duke of Wellington with a traffic cone on its head. According to locals, the initial prank later became viral, and the city’s government has since used it to promote city affairs.

As of today, the Duke has worn the traffic cone “hat” for 10-plus years.


Perhaps Taiwan’s Chiang Kai-shek statue will also become the new landmark of Hualien in the future; however, with the serious backdrop of “In Memory of the Leader” written behind it, the traffic cone may be a bit too ironic for many.

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