與美前參議員陶德私交甚篤 拜登笑稱被他吃死死

FILE - In this May 2, 2014 file photo, Democratic presidential candidate former Vice President Joe Biden, left, is greeted by his former Senate colleague Chris Dodd, then chairman and chief lobbyist for the Motion Picture Association of America, before speaking to a conference at the Newseum in Washington.  The 2020 vice presidential search now rests with Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden as he prepares to pick just the third woman in history for a major U.S. party's national ticket. There's a group of key advisers who have helped shape his options and present him with reams of pros and cons for potential vice presidents. They include Delaware Rep. Lisa Blunt Rochester, former Connecticut Sen. Chris Dodd, Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti and former Apple executive and longtime Biden adviser Cynthia Hogan. They're aided by lawyers with deep ties to Democratic politics and former President Barack Obama.  (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)


陶德(Chris Dodd)今天率團訪問台灣,是總統拜登(Joe Biden)1月底上任後訪台首發團。陶德與拜登私交甚篤是美國政壇公開的秘密,也讓外界好奇陶德此次訪台,會為拜登向台方傳遞什麼訊息。



拜登曾稱陶德是他「最好的朋友」(single best friend)。兩人曾雙雙角逐民主黨2008年總統大選提名,但都不幸落馬;由於兩人政治生涯歷程相似,曾被媒體形容是從「同個模子刻出來」。

離開國會後,陶德轉戰好萊塢,出任美國電影協會(Motion Picture Association of America)主席,成為電影產業遊說人士;拜登則在2009年初以副總統之姿,隨時任總統當選人歐巴馬(Barack Obama)入主白宮。

拜登曾分享過一段插曲,顯示兩人交情匪淺。2014 年德國總理梅克爾(Angela Merkel)訪美,與歐巴馬、拜登在白宮橢圓形辦公室(Oval Office)開會。會開到一半,拜登起身說要離開,原因是要趕赴陶德辦的活動。

拜登在活動上透露,梅克爾當時看著他,一臉「這傢伙到底在說什麼」的表情。拜登笑稱,過去一直有傳言,兩人在參議院工作時他雖比陶德資深,卻被陶德吃死死(he controlled me),現在他為了陶德在重要會議中途離席,「讓傳言又死灰復燃」。


日拍板福島核廢水將入海 總統府回應了
威權象徵處理總統府掛零 林濁水:總得給個理由吧
立院財委會明審國務機要費除罪化 綠撇為扁案
國艦國造 首艘萬噸玉山艦下水
