芝士杏仁曲奇 Cheese almond cookies


製作時間: 1小時以上
份量人數: 3-4人

無鹽牛油(室溫放軟) Unsalted butter (softened at room temp 100克/g
糖粉 Powdered sugar 60克/g
鹽 Salt 少許/ A pinc
忌廉芝士 Cream cheese 40克/g
淡忌廉 Whipping cream 30克/g
低筋麵粉 Low-gluten flour 120克/g
蛋黃 Egg yolk 1個/pc
杏仁片 適量/ As use

1 :

牛油用電動打蛋器打發至蓬鬆 Beat the butter with an electric mixer until fluffy.
2 :

加入一半糖粉,先以低速拌勻 Add half of the powdered sugar and mix at low speed until well combined.
3 :

加入另一半糖粉,高速拌勻後即可停下 Add the remaining powdered sugar and mix at high speed until well combined, then stop.
4 :

加入一半淡忌廉,低速拌勻 Add half of the whipping cream and mix at low speed until well combined.
5 :

加入另一半淡忌廉,先低速後高速拌勻後即可停下 Add the remaining whipping cream, mix at low speed, then switch to high speed until well combined, then stop.
6 :

加入鹽拌勻 Add the salt and mix well.
7 :

加入忌廉芝士,慢速打勻即可 Add the cream cheese and mix at low speed until well combined.
8 :

麵粉過篩篩入麵糊內 Sift the flour into the batter.
9 :

用刮刀輕輕整理 Gently scrape the sides with a spatula to ensure everything is well incorporated.
10 :
用刮刀攪拌及輕力按壓至勻均 Mix and gently press with a spatula until evenly combined.
11 :
將麵糰放入唧袋之內 Transfer the dough into a piping bag.
12 :

在U形模具上鋪上保鮮紙 Line a U-shaped mold with plastic wrap.
13 :

將麵糰慢慢唧入模具中 Slowly pipe the dough into the mold.
14 :

擠滿後用手掃平 Smooth the surface with your hand.
15 :
再隔著保鮮紙輕力壓實 Using the plastic wrap, gently press and compact the dough.
16 :

連同模具放入雪櫃冷藏3小時 Place the mold, along with the dough, in the refrigerator and chill for 3 hours.
17 :

取出雪硬了的麵糰,除去保鮮紙 Remove the hardened dough from the mold, and remove the plastic wrap.
18 :

用刀切開麵糰,每塊厚約5毫米 Using a knife, slice the dough into pieces, each about 5mm thick.
19 :
平均鋪在焗盤之上 Arrange them evenly on a baking tray.
20 :

掃上蛋黃液 Brush the surface with the egg yolk.
21 :

再撒上少許砂糖及杏仁片 Sprinkle with a little sugar and almond slices.
22 :

放入已預熱的焗爐內,以195度焗15分鐘 Bake in a preheated oven at 195 degrees Celsius for 15 minutes.
23 :

將焗爐的門打開少許約10分鐘,讓曲奇的溫度隨爐溫慢慢下降 Open the oven door slightly for about 10 minutes to allow the cookies to cool gradually with the oven temperature.
24 :

取出完成放涼即成 Remove and let them cool completely. Enjoy!

- 食譜來源 : https://cook1cook.com/recipe/55493
- 發掘更多美食 : https://cook1cook.com