菲律賓新二代大展好歌喉 開嗓獻唱「天籟之音」

<p>Lu Hsiao-Chien showed off her good singing voice for “The Second Generation of New Immigrants”. (Photo courtesy of Lu Hsiao-chien via Taiwan Immiigrants’ Global News Network)</p>

Lu Hsiao-Chien showed off her good singing voice for “The Second Generation of New Immigrants”. (Photo courtesy of Lu Hsiao-chien via Taiwan Immiigrants’ Global News Network)



Taiwan Immigrants’ Global News Network recently cooperated with IC Voice FM97.5 “New Residents Registration-We are in Taiwan” to produce a series of inspiring stories about new migrants in Taiwan.

This episode features two second-generation migrants from the Philippines — Lu Hsiao-chien (呂曉清) and her younger sister, Lu Hsiao-ching (呂曉清).

The pair, who inherited their grandfather Lu Liang-hao’s (呂良豪) musical talent, have won various music competitions with their band “Lu Xiao Xiao Band” (呂曉曉樂團).

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Philippine “Sound of Nature” Lu Xiao-Chien was interviewed in the program. (Photo courtesy of Lu Hsiao-chien via Taiwan Immiigrants’ Global News Network)
Philippine “Sound of Nature” Lu Xiao-Chien was interviewed in the program. (Photo courtesy of Lu Hsiao-chien via Taiwan Immiigrants’ Global News Network)


Of the many singing competitions they participated in, Lu Hsiao-chien said the “New Power Voice-Southeast Asian Parent-Child Singing Competition” with her mother and her sister (Lu Hsiao-ching) was the one that left the deepest impression on her

President Tsai Ing-wen (蔡英文) was also present at the competition and witnessed the wonderful performance of the daughters with their mother on stage.

The song they sang that day was the classic Philippine song “Anak,” which is a very representative song in the Philippines. The lyrics centers around the love and dedication of parents to their children.

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Lu Hsiao-Chien and her sister Lu Hsiao-Ching formed the “Lu Xiaoxiao Band”. (Photo courtesy of Lu Hsiao-chien via Taiwan Immiigrants’ Global News Network)
Lu Hsiao-Chien and her sister Lu Hsiao-Ching formed the “Lu Xiaoxiao Band”. (Photo courtesy of Lu Hsiao-chien via Taiwan Immiigrants’ Global News Network)


Lu Hsiao-chien remembers when they joined the singing competition.

She said that she wore the traditional Filipiniana dress on that day, which was made of pineapple fiber, and the butterfly sleeves which represent a symbol of status for the women.

After more than 3 hours of competition, Lu Hsiao-chien, her younger sister, and her mother performed with their beautiful singing voices and won first place in the competition.

Lu Hsiao-Chien became obsessed with music and continues to devote herself to the field of music. (Photo courtesy of Lu Hsiao-chien via Taiwan Immiigrants’ Global News Network)
Lu Hsiao-Chien became obsessed with music and continues to devote herself to the field of music. (Photo courtesy of Lu Hsiao-chien via Taiwan Immiigrants’ Global News Network)

從小就熱愛歌唱的呂曉倩,高中時期加入吉他社,更開啟對音樂領域的癡迷;呂曉倩也在節目中,不吝嗇展現天賦,現場演唱著名英文歌曲。歡迎愛好音樂的聽眾朋友,可至「呂曉曉」臉書專頁,以及YouTube頻道「Abby Lu」,不僅能欣賞她們的音樂創作,還可認識台灣與菲律賓生活文化差異。

Lu Hsiao-chien, who has loved singing since she was a child, joined the guitar club in high school which inspired her to become more involved with music.

During the show, Lu Hsiao-chien also showcased her talent and sang famous English songs live.

Music-loving listeners and friends are welcome to visit the “Lu Xiaoxiao” Facebook page and the YouTube channel “Abby Lu.”

Not only can they enjoy their musical creations, but can also understand the cultural differences between Taiwan and the Philippines.

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