
<p>China Airlines plane(Photo courtesy of China Airlines)</p>

China Airlines plane(Photo courtesy of China Airlines)

【看英文中國郵報學英文】台灣捐贈的口罩陸續運抵世界各國,但負責運送的中華航空機身印有「China Airlines」,讓不少人誤以為是中國捐贈,行政院長蘇貞昌今天(14)在進入立法院議場前受訪表示,他已經指示華航未來在機身加上明顯的「TAIWAN」標誌,以區隔台灣與中國不同。

Taiwan has donated many face masks to countries around the world, but as the carrier had “China Airlines” etched on its body, many still believe that the face masks come from China, Premier Su Tseng-Chang said on Tuesday.

Speaking with the press in front of the Legislative Yuan, Su added that he asked China Airlines to put a conspicuous “Taiwan” mark on their airplanes to avoid further confusion.

Premier Su Tseng-Chang reacts during a press conference on April 14, 2020. (NOWnews)
Premier Su Tseng-Chang reacts during a press conference on April 14, 2020. (NOWnews)

蘇貞昌說,上次他當行政院長的時候,把中正機場改名為桃園機場,很成功!這次看到華航運送物資,全世界都感謝台灣,但因為華航機身有 China 字樣,有些國家因此以為是中國 (大陸) 贈送口罩來,「我們吃這種虧很多啦!華航因為名稱的問題,造成很多混淆,我昨天已經請交通部告知華航,以後運送物資,有我們國旗,有 Taiwan can help(台灣可以幫忙),這樣非常好」。

The premier said that he had previously changed the name of Zhongzheng International Airport to Taoyuan International Airport with good results.

This time, seeing China Airlines dropping off supplies to many countries, only to have their origin be mistaken because of the word “China,” has led Chang to believe Taiwan got the short end of the stick.

“Because of a name, there have been many confusions. I have already alerted the Ministry of Transportation and Communication (MOTC) to ask China Airlines to try and put our flag or “Taiwan can help” on the planes to distinguish them from China’s,” Chang said.


“We can add more Taiwan symbols on the planes, just like the WTO. We can also enlarge it to let the world know we are different from China,” Chang added.


Premier Chang said that because of the pandemic, Taiwan has been put on the map, for which he is very grateful. He remarked, however, that a permanent change to the name of the company, “China Airlines,” could be more difficult as it would involve many factors.

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