衛報:伊朗安全部隊朝女示威者開槍 鎖定臉、胸部與下體

英國「衛報」(The Guardian)報導,根據伊朗各地多名受訪醫護人員說法,伊朗安全部隊在攻擊參與反政府抗議活動的女性時,會鎖定她們的臉、胸部和陰部開槍。

Protesters wave a giant Iranian flag. Iranians of Toulouse organized a protest in Toulouse in solidarity with women and protesters in Iran, following the death of the young Iranian woman, Mahsa Amini, who died after being arrested by the Islamic republic's 'morality police'. Several hundreds of people participated to the protest. Police have said Amini fell ill as she waited with other women held by the morality police, who enforce strict rules in the Islamic republic requiring women to cover their hair and wear loose-fitting clothes in public. Since the death of Mahsa Amini, many protest took place in Iran, the NGO Iran Human Rights says that many protesters have been killed. The death of Mahsa Amini sparked protests worldwide.  Toulouse. France. December 3rd 2022. (Photo by Alain Pitton/NurPhoto via Getty Images)
(圖/Getty Images)

「衛報」(The Guardian)8日報導,多名私下治療示威群眾以免被捕的醫師和護理師說,他們起初注意到此事是因為發現女性受傷部位時常與男性不同,男性被霰彈槍子彈打中的部位,較常出現在腿部、臀部和背部。






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