見獵心喜諷台灣媒體 外媒錯翻大標也跟著道歉


英國前首相柴契爾夫人(Margaret Thatcher)在英國時間8日上午逝世,中天新聞誤植為英國女王伊麗莎白二世的畫面。很快的,這起「悲劇」也被外國網路媒體注意到了,並以標題「OopsTT: Taiwan news media erroneously reports on the death of the Queen of England」嘲諷台灣媒體吃錯藥,不過隨後這家外媒也立即發布道歉聲明,澄清表示是第一時間翻譯錯誤,台灣媒體是誤植畫面,但大標是正確的,並沒有誤報成英國女王逝世。

這家眼尖的外國網路媒體見獵心喜,搶快在第一時間修理了台灣中天新聞,並以嘲諷的口吻指出「we are happy to report that the Queen is alive and well.」(我們很高興告訴您英國女王還活得好好的。)

緊接著這家外媒擷取中天畫面指出「The report headline said (as pictured below): Queen of England passes away, and we will miss her.」(新聞大標說(如擷圖畫面下方):英國女王逝世,我們將懷念她)。事實上看得懂中文的都知道,中天新聞的確是誤植了英國女王伊麗莎白二世的畫面,但是大標並沒有下成:英國女王逝世,我們將懷念她。

外媒自己翻譯錯誤,卻還嘲諷這家新聞台嗑錯藥「What has Taiwan news media been smoking this morning?」


「UPDATE: To be clear, there was some confusion to the translation of the headline. Some are stating the Chinese wording translates to"Queen" and others"Prime Minister". The fact remain for sure that the image used is of the Queen of England, and not Margaret Thatcher.」


「UPDATE #3: We apologize for the incorrect translation of the headline. Our original news source provided an incorrect translation. The headline statement is correct. However, the fact still remains that the wrong imagery was used more than once, and we feel that is unforgiveable.」