解毒下火|裙帶菜皮蛋豆腐湯 Kelp, preserved egg and bean curd so
下班之後想喝湯,但又來不及煲老火湯,來一個簡易的滾湯,也是不錯的選擇。這道裙帶菜皮蛋豆腐湯不但簡單易煲,連處理材料和滾起,約半小時便已完成有得飲,湯料也可以作餸菜,還有解毒下火、清熱生津、潤腸通便等功效,美味和健康程度都不下於老火湯。 皮蛋:含豐富蛋白質、脂肪和礦物質,如鈣、鐵、鋅等,同時也含有多種維他命。能滋陰潤燥、補血養肝、清熱解毒、止咳化痰。 豆腐:蛋白質豐富,有補益氣血、滋陰潤燥、降血壓、降膽固醇等功效。 裙帶菜:含豐富膳食纖維、碘和鈣、鉀、鐵等。能滋陰潤燥、清熱解毒、利尿消腫。
製作時間: 30分鐘內
份量人數: 3-4人
皮蛋 Preserved egg 2隻/pcs
海鮮菇 White beech mushroom 1包/pack
鴻喜菇 Beech mushroom 1包/pack
豆腐 Bean curd 1盒/box
裙帶菜 Kelp 適量/As used
杞子 Goji berries 適量/Some
薑絲 Shredded ginger 適量/Some
紹興酒 Shao xing wine 少許/Some
胡椒粉 Pepper powder 少許/Some
1 :
裙帶菜浸水備用 Soak kelp in water for later use.
2 :
杞子浸15分鐘備用 Soak goji berries for 15 minutes for later use.
3 :
海鮮菇及鴻喜菇切去根部,撕碎 Remove the root of beech mushroom and white beech mushroom, then tear them into pieces.
4 :
豆腐切粒 Dice bean curd.
5 :
皮蛋去殼 Peel the preserved egg.
6 :
燒熱鑊,下皮蛋,用鑊剷壓碎爆香 Heat a wok, add the preserved egg, and stir-fry and press it with a spatula until fragrant.
7 :
下菇類炒香及灒紹興酒 Add the mushrooms and stir-fry until fragrant, then sprinkle with Shaoxing wine.
8 :
下薑絲炒香 Add shredded ginger.
9 :
下滾水滾2分鐘 Add boiling water and let it boil for 2 minutes.
10 :
下豆腐粒滾2分鐘 Add the diced bean curd and let it boil for 2 minutes.
11 :
下已浸發的裙帶菜 Add the soaked kelp.
12 :
下杞子再滾2分鐘 Add the soaked goji berries and let it boil for 2 minutes.
13 :
下胡椒粉調味,酌量加鹽調味,完成 Season with black pepper and add salt to taste. It's done.
- 食譜來源 : https://cook1cook.com/recipe/54188
- 發掘更多美食 : https://cook1cook.com