諾貝爾文學獎揭曉 挪威作家佛斯摘桂冠
2023年諾貝爾文學獎得主5日出爐,瑞典學院宣布將桂冠頒給挪威作家佛斯(Jon Fosse),獎勵「他的創新戲劇跟散文,為不可言說之事(unsayable)發出聲音」。
BREAKING NEWSThe 2023 #NobelPrize in Literature is awarded to the Norwegian author Jon Fosse “for his innovative plays and prose which give voice to the unsayable.” pic.twitter.com/dhJgGUawMl— The Nobel Prize (@NobelPrize) October 5, 2023
This year’s literature laureate Jon Fosse writes novels heavily pared down to a style that has come to be known as ‘Fosse minimalism’.This can be seen in his second novel ‘Stengd gitar’ (1985), when Fosse presents us with a harrowing variation on one of his major themes, the… pic.twitter.com/5v1fQ6C6CJ— The Nobel Prize (@NobelPrize) October 5, 2023
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眾院代理議長首次下令 就要裴洛西搬出現有辦公室
溫蒂、麥當勞漢堡廣告被控誇大案 法官判勝訴:視覺效果無不妥