護送女王靈柩 威廉王子喚起母親黛安娜喪禮回憶

英國威廉(William)王子15日表示,走在女王伊麗莎白二世(Queen Elizabeth II)靈柩後面,勾起他痛苦的回憶,讓他想起十幾歲時參加母親黛安娜王妃(Princess Diana)喪禮的那一刻。

King Charles III and the Prince of Wales follow the coffin of Queen Elizabeth II, draped in the Royal Standard with the Imperial State Crown placed on top, carried on a horse-drawn gun carriage of the King's Troop Royal Horse Artillery, during the ceremonial procession from Buckingham Palace to Westminster Hall, London, where it will lie in state ahead of her funeral on Monday. Picture date: Wednesday September 14, 2022.  Aaron Chown/Pool via REUTERS

法新社報導,現在封號為威爾斯親王(Prince of Wales)的威廉在妻子凱特(Kate)陪同下,在英格蘭東部的伊麗莎白二世私宅山均漢姆堡(Sandringham Estate)與留下鮮花悼念女王的民眾說話。

天空新聞網(Sky News)報導,40歲的威廉告訴一群來看他的民眾:「昨天那段路程很艱辛,喚起我一些回憶。」

伊麗莎白二世的靈柩14日從白金漢宮(Buckingham Palace)移至西敏廳(Westminster Hall)時,威廉與弟弟哈利王子(Prince Harry)一同走在靈柩後面。


Prince William (L), Earl Spencer (2nd R) , Prince Harry and Prince Charles (partly obscured) follow the coffin of Diana, Princess of Wales September 6 as the funeral cortege arrives at Westminster Abbey September 6. Millions of mourners lined the route to pay their respects.

Prince Charles (R), Prince Harry (C) and Prince William look at the coffin of Diana, Princess of Wales, after it was placed into a hearse September 6. Hundreds of thousands of mourners lined the streets of Central London to watch the funeral procession. The Princess died last week in a car crash in Paris.



Britain's William, Prince of Wales and Catherine, Princess of Wales look at floral tributes, following the death of Britain's Queen Elizabeth, at Sandringham Estate in eastern England, Britain, September 15, 2022. REUTERS/Marko Djurica
Britain's William, Prince of Wales meets people gathered outside Sandringham Estate, following the death of Britain's Queen Elizabeth, in eastern England, Britain, September 15, 2022. REUTERS/Marko Djurica

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