
<p>The “bamboo aerial yoga” created by Milewicz has been popular in Hong Kong in recent years. (Screenshot from the video)</p>

The “bamboo aerial yoga” created by Milewicz has been popular in Hong Kong in recent years. (Screenshot from the video)


Walking on the beach in Hong Kong, you are likely to see people on the beach practicing “aerial yoga” under a bamboo tripod.

瑜珈老師Aleksandra Milewicz發揮創意,讓瑜珈運動不再限於狹小的韻律教室,將這項身心靈運動帶到大自然,在海邊將竹子搭建起支架,加上一條掛布,就成為了香港時下最流行的「沙灘空中瑜珈」。

Aleksandra Milewicz, a yoga teacher, has been creative in taking yoga beyond a small classroom and bringing this spiritual practice to nature.

The “bamboo aerial yoga” created by Milewicz has been popular in Hong Kong in recent years. To practice beach aerial yoga, you need to build a bamboo tripod at the beach and add a hanging cloth.

作為推廣沙灘空中瑜珈的發起人, Aleksandra表示,每當她在戶外置身於大自然中,總是感到非常快樂。

As the creator of bamboo yoga, Milewicz said that she always feels happy when she is outside in nature.


She added that Hong Kong is blessed with a natural landscape of beautiful mountains and beaches.


Therefore, she decided to bring yoga outdoors to this beautiful beach.

Bamboo yoga has been on the rise since 2017, and more and more people are joining the outdoor yoga scene today.

最後, Aleksandra強調空中瑜珈不僅限於女性,不分性別,人人都可以透過練習沙灘空中瑜珈從中獲益。

Finally, Milewicz emphasizes that aerial yoga is not limited to women and that everyone can benefit from practicing bamboo aerial yoga regardless of gender.

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