賴清德:實踐台灣穩定承諾 民進黨必須贏得2024大選
賴清德指出,他深知 2024 年的大選和即將到來的競選活動是民進黨未來最重要的工作。當前民進黨面臨的關鍵性挑戰是,面對日益嚴峻的區域和國際情勢,如何維繫台灣的繁榮、安全和自由。
他指出,台美簽署 21世紀貿易倡議是雙向貿易和投資的強大象徵,未來,他將尋求與其他重要貿易夥伴達成雙邊和多邊協議。同時,他將支持新創本土產業,減少不必要的管制以鼓勵投資,並努力確保民眾能更公平地享有經濟成長帶來的成果。
Verbatim Script of Chairman Lai Ching-te’s Speech for Election Briefing for the 2024 Presidential & Legislative Elections (English & Chinese)
Good morning everyone. This is the DPP's first diplomatic briefing since I was elected chairperson. I want to welcome you all and share with you our policies and prospects going into the 2024 elections.
大家早安! 這是我當選民進黨主席以來的首次外交簡報。我想藉此機會歡迎大家,並與大家分享我們2024年大選的政策和選情。
I’ve had the opportunity to meet many of you in my capacity as vice president and previously as premier and Tainan mayor. But as some of you may know I actually started my career as a medical doctor and was inspired to join politics after the Taiwan Strait Crisis in 1996.
My duty then was the same as it is today: to protect the people of Taiwan and our democracy from the challenges we face.
As we look at the 2024 elections and upcoming campaign we recognize that this is the most significant work we have ahead of us. Our defining issue is how we can keep Taiwan prosperous safe and free in the face of mounting regional and global challenges.
我們深知 2024 年的大選和即將到來的競選活動是我們未來最重要的工作。當前我們面臨的關鍵性挑戰是,面對日益嚴峻的區域和全球挑戰,如何維繫台灣的繁榮、安全和自由。
I will stand up to these challenges.
Over the past few years the international community has voiced growing support for peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait. I’m grateful to each and every one of these voices. Not only are they essential to Taiwan's security but they also show the people of Taiwan are not alone.
However there is more we must do here at home. Peace and stability should not become just election slogans; instead they should be the foundation of responsible and sustainable policies. This is precisely what I seek to put forward.
As president I will implement a four-pillar plan for peace. We will be clear about the challenges we face and the steps Taiwan must take to protect our freedoms democracy and way of life.
First and foremost building up Taiwan's deterrence is key. Under the leadership of President Tsai Ing-wen we have increased defense budgets reformed the conscription and reserve systems and supported new practices and capabilities within our military.
I will continue to expedite these crucial reforms with the understanding that a strong national defense reduces risks of armed conflict. We will transition to an asymmetric fighting force with greater survivable agile and cost-effective capabilities.
My objective is clear: We must always ensure that war remains an unthinkable option for all parties involved.
The second area is economic security—the pillar that is essential to our national security.
Over the past few years we have seen the results of coercive actions that are designed to affect political outcomes. Farmers and manufacturers in Taiwan and in even places such as Australia have been hurt by economic sanctions that were based on politics rather than science.
All of this continues to upend free trade and the international rules-based order.
As a result we must work to further trade linkages with like-minded partners while ensuring our participation in more-secure supply chains. The signing of the Taiwan-U.S. Initiative on 21st Century Trade is a strong symbol for such links.
因此,我們必須努力加強與志同道合的貿易夥伴的貿易連結,同時確保我們在更安全的供應鏈中的角色。台美簽署 21世紀貿易倡議是此連結的強大象徵。
In the future I will pursue bilateral and multilateral agreements with other important trading partners. At the same time I will support new and innovative domestic industries remove unnecessary regulations to encourage investments and strive to ensure that the fruits of economic growth are more evenly enjoyed.
The third pillar is to build a more globally-facing Taiwan that is capable of contributing to many world-wide issues. I was proud to see Taiwan send the first medical team from Asia to Ukraine earlier this year. We also stand as a leader in global health education culture and the high-tech economy.
I will endeavor to further connect the future of Taiwan with the global community of democracies. We will also work in conjunction with partners to identify and counter disinformation creating a common front to defend the values we hold.
Lastly my commitment to steady and principled cross-strait leadership has never been stronger.
Despite increased military and economic challenges pragmatism and consistency will remain my top priorities. I will work tirelessly to support the peaceful cross-strait status quo—which is in the best interests of the Republic of China (Taiwan) and the international community.
We must maintain a steady hand as we navigate increasingly turbulent waters. This has been the DPP's commitment over the past seven years and it will be my continued commitment as future president.
To carry out the above plans we must win the upcoming presidential and legislative elections. I have confidence we will do so by putting forward sustainable policies and strong candidates including many third-party candidates that are part of our democratic alliance.
In closing I want to tell you about the special selection of gifts we have prepared to showcase the diversity of Taiwan. In this bag you will find Malaysian curry puffs indigenous millet donuts Hakka sticky rice cakes and Alisan high-mountain tea.
I believe that diversity is one of our greatest strengths and we are committed to creating a society where everyone feels welcome and valued regardless of their ethnicity religion or background.
Once again welcome to the DPP headquarters and thank you for your interest in our elections. I hope you enjoy the refreshments and find today's briefing helpful in learning more about our plans for the future.
Thank you.