越南國服秀美食閃亮登場 市府:盼傳遞新住民母國文化

<p>桃園市越配權益促進會於週日(30日)舉辦「幸福桃園-越南國服秀暨美食饗宴」,透過越南國服走秀及越南美食,帶領民眾認識越南文化。(圖/桃園市政府提供)<br />
|An event promoting the Vietnamese culture held by the Vietnamese Immigrants Rights association (越配權益促進會) took place on Sunday, the organizers hope to introduce Vietnamese culture to the Taiwanese people through food and traditional clothings. (photo courtesy/ Taoyuan City)</p>


An event promoting the Vietnamese culture held by the Vietnamese Immigrants Rights association (越配權益促進會) has aimed at introduced Vietnamese culture to the Taiwanese people through traditional food and costumes.

With a population of more than 60,000 new immigrants, including more than 10,000 Vietnamese, the city government has been actively organizing cultural, sports and exhibition activities to promote multicultural exchanges.


Speaking at the event on Sunday, Mayor Cheng Wen-tsan (鄭文燦) said that Vietnam and Taiwan are geographically close. There are also many Vietnamese new immigrants and migrant workers in Taoyuan.

The city government is actively promoting Vietnamese culture and language learning, hoping to boost the unique culture of many new immigrants’ motherland.

The mayor also thanked the association for organizing activities, such as mask sewing, and delivering them to Vietnamese shops and restaurants in Zhongli (中壢), helping authorities promote epidemic prevention measures at the same time.


At the invitation of the organizer, Cheng Wen-tsan put on a Vietnamese national costume and walked the runway with the migrants, saying that the government hopes to make Taoyuan a multicultural city.

In addition, the city government has set up the New Immigrant Cultural Center (新住民文化會館) in Taoyuan, while Zhongli is planning to set up a “New Immigrant Cultivation Center” to help improve new immigrants’ employment rate and entrepreneurship.

鄭文燦應主辦單位邀請穿上越南國服與新住民一同走秀,談到市府希望多元文化成為桃園的城市特色。(圖/桃園市政府提供)|At the invitation of the organizer, Cheng Wen-tsan put on a Vietnamese national costume and walked the runway with the immigrants, saying that the government hopes to make Taoyuan a multicultural city. (photo courtesy/ Taoyuan City Government)
鄭文燦應主辦單位邀請穿上越南國服與新住民一同走秀,談到市府希望多元文化成為桃園的城市特色。(圖/桃園市政府提供)|At the invitation of the organizer, Cheng Wen-tsan put on a Vietnamese national costume and walked the runway with the immigrants, saying that the government hopes to make Taoyuan a multicultural city. (photo courtesy/ Taoyuan City Government)

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