


日前,阿根廷足球巨星梅西(Lionel Messi)在記者會上,發表令人動容的告別演說。本週的《英語溝通小學堂》,浩爾也解析這段演講時的口譯內容,並整理成以下四大重點,家能夠輕鬆應用在日常生活中。

我沒有心理準備 I'm not ready for this.



「This is really difficult for me after so many years, being here my entire life. I'm not ready for this. And honestly, last year, with all the nonsense with the burofax and everything, I was convinced I knew what I wanted to say, but this year, this year is not the same.」


當梅西提到這對我是很艱難的事時,口譯員翻作「It's really difficult for me.」,浩爾也解釋這裡所使用到的difficult,不僅可以當作困難的之外,也能說明個人處境很艱難。

另外,difficult也可以有某人很難搞的意思。接著梅西也提到自己沒有心理準備,這裡口譯員則是用I'm not ready for this.

我和家人都以為我們會留下來 My family and I were convinced that we were going to stay here.


「My family and I were convinced I wanted to stay here, that's what we all wanted more than anything. We thought we'd be staying here in Barcelona, today I have to say goodbye to all of this. 」

convince 雖然有說服的意思,但在這裡可理解為「深信不疑」。梅西表示自己和家人都對他們會留在這(巴薩)感到深信不疑。

梅西也接著說道:「那也是那就是我們的衷心所求/最想要的。」,這裡可以運用That's what we all wanted more than anything.

足球巨星梅西與家人在足球場上的合影。取自Leo Messi臉書。
足球巨星梅西與家人在足球場上的合影。取自Leo Messi臉書。

足球巨星梅西與家人在足球場上的合影。取自Leo Messi臉書。

我對一切真的都很感恩 I'm just really grateful for everything.


「I'm just really grateful for everything, all my teammates, all my former teammates, everything at the club, everyone that’s been by my side, all the people that, there’s so many people, even though some of us, I only met a few times. 」

之後,梅西也表示自己非常感謝這一切,我的所有隊友、前隊友等等。這裡則可使用 I'm just really grateful for everything.

不知該說什麼好 The words just won't come to me.


「Honestly, I’m forgetting so many things because I wanted to say, but that’s all I can say right now. I’ve thought about it a lot, but the words just won't come to me. And best thing now is to answer some questions. And honestly, thank you to everyone.」

口語上要表達不知該說什麼好,若用the words just won't /don't come to me。兩種方式都是可以的。

