長榮 2020 直飛泰國普吉島 往返省6小時

<p>長榮表示普吉島是泰國最大的島嶼,也是知名的旅遊景點。  (Shutterstock)</p>

長榮表示普吉島是泰國最大的島嶼,也是知名的旅遊景點。 (Shutterstock)


EVA Air, one of Taiwan’s largest carriers, announced Wednesday that it will start operating direct flights to the Thai island of Phuket next year, making it the only airline to fly directly between Taiwan and the holiday hot spot.


Phuket is the largest island in Thailand, the airline noted, and a world-renowned tourist destination.


Currently, travelers making the trip between Taiwan and Phuket have to take a connecting flight. The new direct route will allow them to save at least six hours on transit stops out and back, according to the airline.


EVA Air will offer three round-trip flights per week on the route starting April 2, with the outbound flights departing from Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 11:05 a.m. and arriving at Phuket International Airport at 2:20 p.m.


The return flights will take off at 3:30 p.m. and arrive at Taoyuan at 9 p.m., according to the airline.


The new route means that EVA Air will be operating flights to 13 destinations in Southeast Asia, offering a total of 145 flights per week.

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